Member Of Scottish Parliament Candidate
Scottish Greens
Patrick Harvie is running as a Scottish Greens candidate for the Glasgow in the upcoming .
Competing against other candidate(s), Patrick Harvie aims to bring their extensive experience to the role as a candidate for Member Of Scottish Parliament in the Scottish Government.
Patrick Harvie, born on March 18, 1973, in Dunbartonshire, …
What are Patrick Harvie's Scottish Greens Values?
Patrick Harvie is a member of the
Scottish Greens.
The Scottish Green Party, established in 1990 following the division of the original UK Green Party, is a prominent political entity in Scotland that advocates for green politics. It is affiliated internationally with the Global Greens and the European Green Party.
The party has distinguished itself from its UK counterpart by focusing on issues specifically relevant to Scotland while sharing a broad commitment to environmentalism and social justice.