Mayor Candidate
West Midlands
Very Left |
Green Party
Siobhan Harper-Nunes is running as a Green Party candidate for the West Midlands in the upcoming 2024 British Local Government Election.
Competing against other candidate(s), Siobhan Harper-Nunes aims to bring their extensive experience to the role as a candidate for Mayor in the West Midlands Combined Authority.
Siobhan Harper-Nunes is a dedicated community advocate base…
What are Siobhan Harper-Nunes's Green Party Of England And Wales Values?
Siobhan Harper-Nunes is a member of the
Green Party Of England And Wales.
The Green Party stands as a unique political entity that emphasizes an interconnected approach to social, environmental, and economic issues. This manifesto outlines the party’s commitment to transforming society for the betterment of both the planet and its inhabitants.
Social and Environmental Justice:
The party views social, economic, and environmental challenges as interconnected and believes that resolving one requires addressi…