Who are the Candidates for the 2024 French Legislative General Election? France - LykElect.com
2024 French Legislative General Election

Who are the leading candidates for the 2024 French Legislative General Election?

France | Federal election

These are the candidates aiming to represent France in the of 2024 French Legislative General Election.

Trending Parties

Competing Candidates

The 2024 French Legislative Election is a pivotal event that will determine the composition of the National Assembly, France's lower house of parliament. This election will significantly impact the legislative agenda and the balance of power between the government and opposition, shaping the country's policies for years to come.

Key Details:

All 577 seats in the National Assembly will be contested.

France employs a two-round electoral system:

candidates must secure over 50% of the vote in the first round to win outright. If no candidate achieves this, the top candidates proceed to a second round, often leading to strategic voting and alliances.

Major Political Parties:

La République En Marche! (LREM): President Emmanuel Macron's party, which currently holds a majority, aims to maintain its dominance by emphasizing its achievements and ongoing projects.

Les Républicains (The Republicans):

A center-right party that seeks to regain influence and present itself as a strong alternative to LREM.

Union de la Gauche (UG):

A coalition of left-wing parties, including the Socialist Party, aiming to consolidate leftist votes and challenge the centrist policies of LREM.

Rassemblement National (National Rally):

Led by Marine Le Pen, this far-right party focuses on immigration and national identity, continuing to attract significant voter attention.

Écologistes (ECO):

The Green party, which is gaining traction due to increasing concern over environmental issues.

Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI):

A centrist party that seeks to play a significant role by forming strategic alliances.

Renaissance (RE):

Another centrist party that aligns closely with LREM and aims to support its legislative agenda.

Major Issues:

Economic Recovery: Post-pandemic economic policies are a major concern, with voters focusing on unemployment rates and inflation.

Climate Change and Environmental Policies:

The prominence of environmental issues is likely to boost support for the Green party and influence policy debates.

Social Inequality:

Issues such as social welfare, pension reforms, and minimum wage adjustments are hotly debated topics that resonate with many voters.

Immigration and Security:

Immigration policies and national security remain perennial issues, especially given recent global events.


The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for reforms and better funding in the healthcare system.


Educational reforms and funding are also critical issues, with many advocating for significant improvements to the system.


Predicting the exact outcome of the election is challenging, but several trends are evident. LREM will likely emphasize its achievements but may face challenges due to economic and social dissatisfaction.

Environmental issues' prominence may benefit the Green party (ECO). The left-wing coalition (UG) could gain support from voters discontented with centrist policies.

Marine Le Pen's National Rally remains a significant contender with its strong stance on immigration and national identity. The election is expected to be highly competitive, with potential coalitions and alliances playing a crucial role in the outcome.

The 2024 French Legislative Election is poised to be a significant political event, shaping the future direction of France's policies and governance. As the election date approaches, the dynamics between these parties and the major issues at stake will become even more critical.