Who are the Candidates for the 2024 New South Wales Local Elections? New South Wales, Australia - LykElect.com

2024 New South Wales Local Elections

Who are the leading candidates for the 2024 New South Wales Local Elections?

New South Wales, Australia - Local election

Competing Candidates

About the 2024 New South Wales Local Elections

The 2024 New South Wales local elections are scheduled for 14 September 2024. These elections will determine the councils of 126 out of the 128 local government areas (LGAs) in New South Wales.

In addition to council elections, several mayoral elections will also take place.

Specific Council Elections:

The Central Coast Council, which was under administration in 2021, will be holding an election for the first time since 2017. Similarly, Central Darling Shire is expected to hold an election for the first time since 2012, following its dismissal in 2014.

Additionally, Norfolk Island Regional Council, under an Administrator since 2021, is likely to have its first election since 2016.


Liverpool Investigation: On 26 April 2024, the Minister for Local Government, Ron Hoenig, initiated an investigation into Liverpool City Council due to ongoing reports of dysfunction and staff-related issues. The investigation concluded on 18 July 2024, with Hoenig announcing his intention to defer Liverpool's election and suspend the council due to significant concerns about dysfunction.

Political Parties:

Several registered political parties are expected to participate in the 2024 New South Wales local elections.

These include:

Animal Justice Party: The Animal Justice Party focuses on animal rights and welfare. Their platform includes policies aimed at protecting animals from cruelty, promoting veganism, and ensuring environmental sustainability.


The Greens advocate for environmental protection, social justice, and grassroots democracy. They support policies on climate action, renewable energy, and progressive social reforms.

Labor Party:

The Labor Party is one of the major political parties in Australia. It promotes policies on workers' rights, social equality, healthcare, and education.

The party traditionally aligns with progressive and center-left values.

Libertarian Party:

The Libertarian Party emphasizes individual freedom, limited government intervention, and free-market principles. They advocate for policies that reduce government regulations and promote personal responsibility.

Liberal Party:

The Liberal Party is another major political force in Australia, traditionally representing conservative and center-right values. Their platform includes economic liberalism, strong national defense, and policies supporting business and economic growth.

Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party:

This party advocates for the rights of those engaged in shooting, fishing, and farming. They focus on rural and regional issues, land management, and opposing excessive regulation on their activities.

Socialist Alliance:

The Socialist Alliance promotes socialist and progressive policies. They focus on workers' rights, social equality, public ownership of essential services, and environmental sustainability.

Sustainable Australia Party:

The Sustainable Australia Party focuses on environmental sustainability, population policy, and urban planning. They advocate for balanced immigration, affordable housing, and preserving natural resources.

The Small Business Party:

This party aims to represent the interests of small business owners. They focus on reducing regulatory burdens, promoting entrepreneurship, and ensuring fair competition in the market.