Who are the Candidates for the 2024 Queensland State Government Election? Australia - LykElect.com
2024 Queensland State Government Election

Who are the leading candidates for the 2024 Queensland State Government Election?

Australia | State election

These are the candidates aiming to represent Australia in the of 2024 Queensland State Government Election.

Competing Candidates

The 2024 Queensland State Government Election, scheduled for October 26, 2024, will see voters elect representatives to the Legislative Assembly, Queensland’s unicameral parliament. The election will determine the composition of the government for the next term, requiring a majority of at least 47 seats out of 93 to form a government.

Major Parties and Leaders:

The major parties contesting this election include the incumbent Labor Party, led by Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, the Liberal National Party (LNP), headed by David Crisafulli, the Queensland Greens, and Pauline Hanson's One Nation.

Labor Party:

Annastacia Palaszczuk's Labor Party will campaign on their record of public service enhancement, healthcare and education improvements, and substantial infrastructure projects, with a particular focus on job creation and economic recovery post-COVID-19.

Liberal National Party (LNP):

David Crisafulli’s LNP will likely emphasize fiscal responsibility, proposing debt reduction, tax cuts, and increased support for businesses, alongside significant investments in infrastructure and public safety measures.

Queensland Greens:

The Queensland Greens, under Amy MacMahon, will push for strong climate action, increased public housing, and better funding for healthcare and education.

One Nation:

One Nation, led by Pauline Hanson, will advocate for stricter immigration policies, economic protectionism, and a focus on regional development.

Key Issues:

Key issues in this election will include economic recovery from the pandemic, healthcare system improvements, educational funding and infrastructure, environmental conservation, particularly of the Great Barrier Reef, and the expansion of renewable energy sources. Infrastructure development, including road upgrades and public transport expansion, will also be a major focus, with urban congestion and regional development being significant concerns.

Electoral System:

Queensland’s full preferential voting system requires voters to rank all candidates in order of preference, with preferences from the lowest-ranked candidates redistributed until a candidate achieves a majority. Marginal seats will be critical battlegrounds, with both major parties concentrating their resources in these areas.

Polling trends and predictions will heavily influence campaign strategies, as parties seek to identify and address areas of voter concern.

Campaign and Strategy:

Marginal seats will be critical battlegrounds, with both major parties concentrating their resources in these areas. Polling trends and predictions will heavily influence campaign strategies, as parties seek to identify and address areas of voter concern.

Effective use of media, social media campaigns, and advertising will be crucial to reach voters.

Recent Political Context:

The Labor government, under Palaszczuk, has been in power since 2015, with their handling of the pandemic and subsequent economic recovery being central to their campaign narrative. The LNP will likely criticize the incumbent government’s fiscal policies and propose alternative strategies for economic management and public safety.

The 2024 Queensland State Government Election is set to be a pivotal political event, reflecting public sentiment on key issues and potentially shifting the balance of power in Queensland’s state politics. Voter engagement, effective use of media, and strategic focus on marginal seats will play crucial roles in determining the election outcome.