Who are the 1 Candidates for Burnett? Queensland, Australia - LykElect.com

Who are the 1 Candidates for Burnett?

Queensland, Australia | State Electorate

These are the 1 candidates aiming to represent the State electorate of Burnett.

The Burnett electorate in Queensland, Australia, covers a large area and includes several suburbs and towns.

Some of the main suburbs and towns within the Burnett electorate include:



Bundaberg is a major city within the Burnett electorate and serves as the commercial and cultural hub of the region. It is known for its sugar industry, beautiful beaches, and historical sites.



Childers is a charming town located in the heart of the Burnett electorate. It is known for its heritage-listed buildings, agricultural industry, and friendly community.


Gin Gin:

Gin Gin is a small town situated in the Burnett electorate known for its rural charm and friendly atmosphere. It is a popular stopover for travelers heading to or from the coast.



Monto is a picturesque town nestled in the hills of the Burnett electorate. It is known for its agricultural industry, stunning landscapes, and friendly locals.



Gayndah is a historic town located in the Burnett electorate and is known as the citrus capital of Queensland. It boasts beautiful parks, heritage buildings, and a strong sense of community.



Eidsvold is a small town in the Burnett electorate known for its rich history and stunning natural surroundings. It is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts and history buffs.