Who are the 1 Candidates for Callide? Queensland, Australia - LykElect.com

Who are the 1 Candidates for Callide?

Queensland, Australia | State Electorate

These are the 1 candidates aiming to represent the State electorate of Callide.

The electorate of Callide is located in Queensland, Australia. It covers a large area and includes several suburbs and towns.

Some of the main suburbs and towns within the Callide electorate include:



Biloela is a town in the Callide electorate known for its agricultural industry, particularly beef and grain farming. 2.


Monto is a town located in the Callide electorate known for its mining history and agricultural production, including beef cattle and citrus fruits. 3.


Theodore is a town in the Callide electorate known for its cotton and grain farming, as well as its proximity to the Dawson River. 4.


Moura is a town in the Callide electorate known for its coal mining industry and agricultural production, including beef cattle and grain crops. 5.


Jambin is a small town in the Callide electorate known for its rural lifestyle and agricultural activities, including beef cattle farming.