Who are the 3 Candidates for Elwick? Australia - LykElect.com

Who are the 3 Candidates for Elwick?

Australia | State Electorate

These are the 3 candidates aiming to represent the State electorate of Elwick. The electorate of Elwick encompasses these areas: Glenorchy City, Glenlusk, Collinsvale See More

Elwick is an electoral division in the state of Tasmania, Australia, primarily associated with the area surrounding the northern suburbs of Hobart. It is one of the 15 electorates in the Tasmanian Legislative Council, which is the upper house of the bicameral Parliament of Tasmania.

Geographic Location:

The division of Elwick includes several northern suburbs of Hobart, such as Glenorchy, Goodwood, and Montrose. The area is characterized by its residential and commercial zones, serving as an important suburban hub within the Greater Hobart area.


Elwick's population is diverse, consisting of a mix of working-class and middle-class residents. The area has a variety of housing types, ranging from older established homes to newer developments.

The demographic composition includes a significant number of families, as well as elderly residents and younger singles and couples.

Political History:

Elwick is considered a politically diverse area with varying allegiances. The Tasmanian Legislative Council is a non-partisan body, meaning that candidates do not typically represent the major political parties directly, though they may have informal affiliations or endorsements.

Elections in the Legislative Council are staggered, with different divisions voting in different years, and the terms last for six years.

Issues and Interests:

Key issues for residents of Elwick often revolve around local community services, healthcare, education, and infrastructure improvements. The electorate's concerns also include public transportation and development projects that impact local traffic and housing.

Community safety and access to recreational facilities are also significant interests among the electorate. Elwick's representation in the Tasmanian Legislative Council focuses on addressing these local issues, reflecting the specific needs and priorities of its residents within the broader context of state governance.