Who are the 1 Candidates for Keppel? Queensland, Australia - LykElect.com

Who are the 1 Candidates for Keppel?

Queensland, Australia | State Electorate

These are the 1 candidates aiming to represent the State electorate of Keppel.

The Keppel electorate in Queensland, Australia, covers a diverse range of suburbs and towns along the Capricorn Coast.

Some of the main suburbs and towns within the Keppel electorate include:



Yeppoon is the largest town in the Keppel electorate and serves as the commercial and administrative hub of the region. It is known for its beautiful beaches, coastal lifestyle, and vibrant community.


Emu Park:

Emu Park is a charming coastal town located south of Yeppoon. It is popular for its relaxed atmosphere, scenic views, and historical sites such as the Singing Ship monument.



Byfield is a small rural community located inland from the coast. It is surrounded by national parks and offers a peaceful retreat for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.



Rosslyn is a coastal community situated between Yeppoon and Emu Park. It is known for its picturesque beaches, fishing spots, and holiday accommodation options.



Zilzie is a coastal suburb located north of Emu Park. It is a growing residential area with access to beautiful beaches, golf courses, and other recreational facilities.

These are just a few of the suburbs and towns within the Keppel electorate, each offering its own unique lifestyle and amenities for residents and visitors to enjoy.