Who are the 1 Candidates for Kurwongbah? Queensland, Australia - LykElect.com

Who are the 1 Candidates for Kurwongbah?

Queensland, Australia | State Electorate

These are the 1 candidates aiming to represent the State electorate of Kurwongbah.

The electorate of Kurwongbah is located in Queensland, Australia. It covers several suburbs and towns in the Moreton Bay Region.

Some of the suburbs and towns within the Kurwongbah electorate include:



Petrie is a suburb located approximately 26 kilometers north of Brisbane CBD. It is a growing residential area with a mix of housing types, parks, and local amenities.



Kallangur is a suburb situated to the north of Petrie. It is a well-established residential area with schools, shopping centers, and recreational facilities.



Dakabin is a suburb located to the west of Kallangur. It is known for its train station, providing easy access to Brisbane and other parts of the region.



Kurwongbah is a rural locality within the electorate, known for its natural beauty and peaceful surroundings. It is home to Lake Kurwongbah, a popular spot for water activities.



Griffin is a suburb located to the east of Petrie. It is a growing residential area with new housing developments, schools, and parks.

These are some of the key suburbs and towns within the Kurwongbah electorate, each offering a unique lifestyle and amenities for residents.