Who are the 1 Candidates for Traeger? Queensland, Australia - LykElect.com

Who are the 1 Candidates for Traeger?

Queensland, Australia | State Electorate

These are the 1 candidates aiming to represent the State electorate of Traeger.

The electorate of Traeger is located in the state of Queensland, Australia. It covers a vast area in the north-western part of the state and includes a number of suburbs and towns.

Some of the main suburbs and towns within the electorate of Traeger include:


Mount Isa:

Mount Isa is the largest town in the electorate of Traeger and serves as a major regional hub for the surrounding area. It is known for its mining industry and is home to a diverse population.



Cloncurry is a town located to the east of Mount Isa and is known for its mining and agricultural industries. It is also home to the famous Cloncurry Flying Doctor Base, which provides medical services to remote areas.



Longreach is a town located to the south-east of Mount Isa and is known for its rich history as a major hub for the Australian cattle industry. It is home to the Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame and the Qantas Founders Museum.



Winton is a town located to the south of Longreach and is known for its dinosaur fossils and rich cultural heritage. It is also home to the Waltzing Matilda Centre, which celebrates the iconic Australian song.



Richmond is a town located to the east of Mount Isa and is known for its fossil discoveries, including the famous Kronosaurus Korner museum. It is also a popular stop for tourists traveling through the region.

These are just a few of the suburbs and towns within the electorate of Traeger. The area is vast and diverse, with each town offering its own unique attractions and character.