Who are the 1 Candidates for Waterford? Queensland, Australia - LykElect.com

Who are the 1 Candidates for Waterford?

Queensland, Australia | State Electorate

These are the 1 candidates aiming to represent the State electorate of Waterford.

The electorate of Waterford is located in Queensland, Australia. It covers a number of suburbs and towns in the region.

Some of the suburbs and towns within the Waterford electorate include:


Waterford West:

Waterford West is a suburb located within the electorate of Waterford. It is a residential area with parks, schools, and shopping centers.



Loganlea is another suburb within the Waterford electorate. It is known for its train station, TAFE campus, and easy access to the Logan Hospital.



Bethania is a historic suburb within the Waterford electorate. It has a mix of residential and rural areas, as well as the popular Bethania Aquatic Centre.


Edens Landing:

Edens Landing is a family-friendly suburb in the Waterford electorate. It has parks, schools, and easy access to public transportation.



Holmview is a growing suburb within the Waterford electorate. It has new housing developments, parks, and local amenities.

These are just a few of the suburbs and towns within the Waterford electorate. Each area has its own unique characteristics and amenities, making the electorate a diverse and vibrant community.