What does the Fi (La France Insoumise) Party believe? - France - LykElect.com
Fi (La France Insoumise)

What does the Fi (La France Insoumise) Party believe?

Fi (La France Insoumise) Party

La France Insoumise (FI), a left-wing populist political party in France, was founded in 2016 by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The party advocates for a range of progressive policies centered on social justice, environmental sustainability, and economic equality.

Minimum Wage and Work Conditions:

FI aims to raise the minimum wage (SMIC) from 1,149 to 1,326 euros per month for a 35-hour workweek. They also propose to reinforce the 35-hour workweek and aim to reduce it further to 32 hours.

Additionally, they support raising salaries for civil servants that have been frozen since 2010.

Retirement Age:

They advocate reducing the retirement age to 60.

Labor Rights:

FI seeks to repeal the El Khomri law, a labor reform they believe undermines workers' rights by reversing the "principle of favor" in labor law​.

Energy Transition:

FI proposes an ambitious plan to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2050. This includes shutting down nuclear power plants due to concerns over safety, radioactive waste management, and financial costs.

Green Rule:

They propose a constitutional amendment to ensure that natural resources are used sustainably, aligning human activities with ecological limits​.

Sixth Republic:

FI calls for the formation of a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution for a Sixth Republic, aiming to decentralize power from the presidency and enhance citizen participation.

Recall Elections:

They propose the right to recall elected representatives who fail to fulfill campaign promises or breach ethical standards​.

Trade Agreements:

FI opposes free trade agreements like TTIP and CETA, which they argue undermine national sovereignty and worker protections.

Banking Reform:

They advocate separating investment and retail banking to protect deposit activities from speculative risks and to support small and medium-sized enterprises through a public banking center.

EU Reforms:

FI seeks to renegotiate EU treaties to promote social and environmental policies. If unsuccessful, they propose a "Plan B" to exit these treaties while seeking new forms of cooperation.


They propose withdrawing from NATO to avoid participating in wars initiated by the United States, preferring to operate within the framework of the United Nations.

Common Goods Protection:

They emphasize the protection of essential resources such as air, water, and energy, advocating for these to remain public and not commodified.

Public Involvement:

FI supports increased public involvement in political processes, aligning with their broader goal of transitioning to a more participatory democracy​. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, as the figurehead of FI, has been a significant force in French politics, running for the presidency and consistently advocating for these transformative policies to create a more equitable and sustainable society.

The Fi (La France Insoumise) is also known as Fi, La France Insoumise).

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