What does the Kingston Independent Residents Group Party believe? - United Kingdom - LykElect.com
Kingston Independent Residents Group

What does the Kingston Independent Residents Group Party believe?

Kingston Independent Residents Group Party

The Kingston Independent Residents Group (KIRG) serves as the official opposition on Kingston Council, championing local governance and decision-making in the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames. Formed by local residents, KIRG advocates for policies that directly reflect the needs and interests of the community, emphasizing local control over national influence in decision-making processes.

Leadership and Vision:

Councillor James Giles's Perspective. Group Leader Councillor James Giles criticizes the influence of national party policies on local governance, arguing that local issues should be managed locally without the interference of national party whips.

Under his leadership, KIRG aims to empower local residents by prioritizing their needs and ensuring that council decisions are made with direct community input. Councillor Giles encourages residents who share this vision to actively participate in the group's efforts.

KIRG focuses on several critical areas to improve local governance and community welfare.

Local Development:

They oppose overdevelopment and advocate for 'Good Growth' that respects the community's character and needs.

Economic and Community Support:

During the cost of living crisis, KIRG pledges increased support for residents and small businesses, aiming to revitalize local high streets and enhance economic stability.

Environmental Initiatives:

The group supports the KingstonCAN campaign to address air pollution and commits to advancing the council's carbon neutrality from 2038 to 2028.

Transparency and Accountability:

KIRG fights for greater transparency in council operations and opposes excessive compensation packages for council executives.

Electoral Strategy and Voter Engagement:

KIRG emphasizes the importance of local elections as a means to directly influence council policies. They urge residents to actively participate in elections, arguing that every vote for KIRG is a step toward a more responsive, accountable, and resident-focused council.

The group positions itself as a viable alternative to traditional parties, promising to restore trust and integrity in local governance.

A Call for Localized Action:

The Kingston Independent Residents Group positions itself as a critical voice for local governance, free from national party biases and dedicated to serving the specific needs of Kingston residents. By advocating for local decision-making authority and prioritizing direct community involvement, KIRG seeks to ensure that Kingston Council operates transparently and effectively, truly reflecting the will and interests of its constituents.

Reference: kirg.org.uk/

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