What does the Legalise Cannabis Party believe? - Australia - LykElect.com
Legalise Cannabis Party

What does the Legalise Cannabis Party believe?

Legalise Cannabis Party

The Legalise Cannabis Party has been established across various states and territories in Australia, advocating for the reform of cannabis laws. The party aims for nationwide representation, promoting a shift from prohibition to regulation and legalization.

It highlights the need for state and territory level organization due to the localized nature of cannabis laws which include policing and driving regulations.

Legalisation and Regulation of Cannabis:

The Legalise Cannabis Party seeks to regulate cannabis similarly to alcohol and tobacco. This includes a moratorium on cannabis consumer arrests, allowing personal cultivation, expunging past criminal records for personal use, and reforming drug driving laws to focus on impairment rather than presence.

Licensing System:

They propose a state-based licensing system covering all aspects of the cannabis industry, from production to retail, including an amnesty for current grey-market growers to become licensed. The plan also calls for affordable state-regulated testing facilities for all stakeholders.

Legal Regulation of Cannabis in Three Stages Stage One:

Personal Adult Use: Legalizes possession of up to 50 grams and home cultivation of up to six plants. It also allows for the gifting of cannabis and specifies that consumption should not occur in public spaces around children.

Stage Two:

Social Clubs: Establishes non-profit cannabis social clubs with a membership cap, where production and distribution are regulated to ensure safety and compliance.

Stage Three:

Commercial Distribution: Introduces a licensing system for commercial growers and retailers, emphasizing safety, product labeling, and preference for small operators over large corporations.


Advocates for removing cannabis from the criminal justice system to stop human rights violations that disproportionately affect marginalized communities.

Consumer Safety and Dignity:

Promotes policies that respect consumer safety and human dignity, opposing invasive police searches and supporting legal access to affordable cannabis for medical users.

Hemp Production:

Encourages the cultivation of hemp due to its environmental benefits, such as carbon sequestration and its potential as a bioplastic and building material. The party views hemp as a sustainable alternative to less environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

Job Creation and Economic Growth:

Proposes that legalizing cannabis and hemp can stimulate economic growth, create jobs, especially in rural areas, and support sustainable agricultural practices. It also sees potential in biofuels and other hemp-based industries to contribute to economic development.

Regulation Similar to Alcohol:

Suggests regulating personal cannabis use similar to alcohol with restrictions on packaging, advertising, and consumption areas.

Medical and Health Benefits:

Emphasizes the health benefits of cannabis and hemp, advocating for public education on their preventive and therapeutic benefits. The party supports the establishment of cannabis clinics and dispensaries to provide safe and regulated access to cannabis.

Policing and Justice:

Reform of Enforcement: Criticizes the current drug enforcement policies as ineffective and harmful. Proposes legalizing personal cannabis use to reduce the burden on the legal and law enforcement systems and redirect resources towards more significant crimes.


Integration into Healthcare: Promotes the integration of cannabis into the healthcare system, offering education for patients and healthcare providers about the benefits of cannabis-based treatments and ensuring access through dispensaries and hospital pharmacies. In summary, the Legalise Cannabis Party of Australia is pushing for a comprehensive reform of cannabis laws based on health, economic, environmental, and human rights grounds.

Their multi-stage strategy aims to transition from prohibition to a regulated market that supports consumer safety, respects personal freedoms, and leverages cannabis for its environmental and health benefits.

The Legalise Cannabis Party is also known as Weed Party, Cannabis Party, Australian Marijuana Party, Marijuana Party.

Reference: legalisecannabis.org.au/

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