What does the Libertarian Party believe? - Australia - LykElect.com

What does the Libertarian Party believe?

Libertarian Party

The Libertarian Party in Australia champions deregulation, economic freedom, and minimal government intervention, aiming to foster entrepreneurial growth and reduce bureaucratic red tape. It advocates for a free-market approach across various sectors, including energy, and supports the adoption of nuclear power.

The party proposes significant tax reforms, favoring low, flat taxes, and calls for voluntary superannuation to promote personal financial freedom. It emphasizes the importance of free speech, proposing constitutional amendments to safeguard it, and seeks to abolish laws that restrict speech and digital freedoms.

On governance, the Libertarians push for mechanisms like recall elections and a citizens' veto to enhance democratic accountability and advocate for voluntary voting to empower the electorate. They oppose COVID-19 related restrictions, arguing for the immediate lifting of mandates and a thorough investigation into the government's pandemic response.

Overall, the party seeks to drastically reduce the size and scope of government to increase individual liberties and economic opportunities.

The Libertarian is also known as Libertarian Party.

Reference: libertarians.org.au/

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