What does the Renaissance Party believe? - France - LykElect.com

What does the Renaissance Party believe?

Renaissance Party

Renaissance (RE), formerly known as La République En Marche (LREM), is a centrist and liberal political party in France, established by Emmanuel Macron in 2016. The party underwent a rebranding to Renaissance in 2022 to signify a new phase in its political journey, emphasizing enlightenment and renewal over traditional politics​.

Economic Reform and Free Market Support:

Renaissance advocates for free market principles, economic reforms, and modernization of the French economy. This includes labor market flexibility, reducing public spending, and promoting entrepreneurship​.

Social Justice and Environmental Protection:

The party balances its economic liberalism with a strong commitment to social justice and environmental sustainability. It supports policies aimed at reducing inequality, enhancing social safety nets, and promoting green energy and environmental initiatives.

European Integration:

Renaissance is pro-European Union and focuses on strengthening European integration and cooperation. Macron's presidency has been marked by efforts to solidify France's role within the EU, advocating for a more unified and powerful European political structure.

Pension Reform:

One of the most contentious issues has been Macron's proposal to reform the pension system. This plan aims to unify the numerous pension schemes into a single system and raise the retirement age, a policy that has faced significant public resistance and sparked widespread protests​.

Immigration and National Security:

The party has taken a centrist approach to immigration, aiming to balance humanitarian responsibilities with national security concerns. Recent legislative efforts have focused on stricter immigration controls while ensuring integration policies for new immigrants​.

Political Strategy and Alliances:

Renaissance seeks to build broad coalitions to pass its legislative agenda, often working with other centrist and center-right parties. This includes forming alliances with parties like MoDem and Horizons to strengthen its position in the French Parliament and ensure a collaborative approach to governance​.

Challenges and Future Directions:

The party faces significant challenges, including dealing with public discontent over economic reforms and maintaining its political relevance post-Macron. With Macron unable to run for a third term, Renaissance will need to redefine its identity and leadership to continue its political momentum beyond 2027​.

The Renaissance is also known as Re, Renaissance.

Reference: parti-renaissance.fr/

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