Who is Ai Steve? - Brighton Pavilion - Independent - LykElect.com
Ai Steve

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Ai Steve - Brighton Pavilion

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Electorate of Brighton Pavilion - Independent - United Kingdom

Who is Ai Steve?

Steve Endacott, a Sussex entrepreneur, has innovated a unique approach to political representation through the use of artificial intelligence. This AI, known as AI Steve, is designed to facilitate constant interaction with constituents, allowing them to express opinions and contribute to policy-making around the clock.

AI Steve embodies Steve Endacott's commitment to making political processes more accessible and responsive.

The Role of AI Steve:

AI Steve functions as a digital platform where the residents of Brighton and Hove can leave their opinions, which directly influence the creation of policies. This initiative ensures that Steve Endacott, who splits his time between Rochdale and Brighton due to personal commitments, can maintain a strong connection with his constituents.

AI Steve represents a step towards integrating modern technology into governance, ensuring that the electorate has a voice in policy-making every day of the year, including holidays.

Policy Development From Public Input to Parliament:

The policies promoted by AI Steve and the "Real" Steve Endacott cover a broad spectrum, focusing on practicality and inclusivity. These include reducing university fees, increasing affordable housing, enhancing green policies, and supporting diversity, specifically LGBTQ+ rights.

SmarterUK, the team behind AI Steve, involves the public in the policy-making process, with a system that collects feedback, which is then reviewed and potentially implemented in Parliament by Steve Endacott himself.

Personal Background and Political Philosophy:

Steve Endacott comes from a working-class background and has risen to significant business success before entering politics. His experience as the UK MD for MyTravel and multiple entrepreneurial ventures gives him a practical perspective on policy.

He is described as a capitalist with a socialist conscience, advocating for sensible, practical policies that stem from his deep understanding of business and community needs.

Technological Integration and Constituent Engagement:

AI Steve is more than a tool; it's a part of a broader initiative to democratize the political process. Constituents can interact with their MP through this platform, which provides 24/7 access to leave feedback, which is then transformed into actionable policies.

This approach aims to reduce the barriers between politicians and the public, ensuring that everyone's voice can be heard directly without bureaucratic delays. Steve Endacott's use of AI in political representation could signal a new era where technology and direct public engagement play central roles in governance.

By blending his business acumen with a commitment to social values, Steve seeks to reshape how political representation functions, making it more inclusive, responsive, and effective.

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