Who is Amir Steve Ali? - Oxford East - Independent - LykElect.com
Amir Steve Ali

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Amir Steve Ali - Oxford East

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Electorate of Oxford East - Independent - United Kingdom

Who is Amir Steve Ali?

Amir Steve Ali, known as an Oxford Community Champion, has announced his candidacy as an Independent MP for Oxford East in the upcoming Parliamentary General Election. Born in the UK, Ali has been a resident of Oxford East for over 42 years.

His engagement with local issues is evidenced by his multiple visits to 10 Downing Street, where he discussed concerns regarding Oxford's Low Traffic Neighborhoods (LTNs) and Bus Filters.

Political Priorities of Amir Steve Ali:

Amir Steve Alis campaign platform encompasses several critical issues, each aimed at enhancing the quality of life for residents of Oxford East. Below is a detailed breakdown of his political priorities.

Traffic and Local Infrastructure:

Ali has expressed strong opposition to the Low Traffic Neighborhoods (LTNs) and Bus Filters currently implemented in Oxford. He believes these measures contribute to traffic congestion and inconvenience for local residents.

His campaign seeks to revise or eliminate these traffic schemes to facilitate easier movement and better access for emergency services.

Support for Local Businesses:

Understanding the backbone of the local economy rests on small businesses, Ali proposes initiatives to support business owners and entrepreneurs in Oxford East. This includes advocating for reduced business rates and providing more local government support services to help businesses thrive.

Environmental Policy and Sustainability:

Alis environmental agenda is comprehensive.

Green Spaces:

Protecting existing green spaces from urban development and ensuring they are maintained and accessible for all residents.

Tree Planting:

Committing to not only preserve the current tree canopy in Oxford East but also to significantly increase it by planting more trees to enhance urban air quality and provide natural cooling areas.

Recycling Initiatives:

Promoting more efficient recycling programs and supporting local initiatives that reduce waste and encourage sustainable living practices.

Public Transportation and Affordable Housing:

Ali proposes to make public transportation more accessible by lowering fares, thus encouraging its use and reducing road congestion. He also emphasizes the need for affordable housing, advocating for policies that facilitate the development of cost-effective housing solutions without compromising on quality.

Crime Reduction:

Increasing police presence on the streets to ensure safety and security. Ali believes that more effective policing can act as a deterrent to crime.

Poverty Alleviation:

Proposes reducing Council Tax and utility bills to make living in Oxford East more affordable. These measures are intended to help alleviate the financial burden on low-income families and improve their overall standard of living.

Youth Engagement and Development:

Ali plans to open new youth centers that offer programs aimed at developing positive behavior and skills among young people. These centers will focus on preventing youth crime and violence by engaging children and teenagers in constructive activities and providing them with opportunities to learn and grow in a supportive environment.

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