Who is Amy Eden? - Cairns Regional - Team Eden - LykElect.com
Amy Eden

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Amy Eden - Cairns Regional

2024 Queensland Local Government Election - Mayor Candidate - March, 16, 2024

Electorate of Cairns Regional - Team Eden - Australia

Who is Amy Eden?

Amy Eden is running for Mayor of Cairns, leading a team that includes candidates for various divisional seats. She pledges to reinvigorate the mayoral position with a focus on driving progress and positively impacting the lives of Cairns residents.

Her vision emphasizes liveability, opportunity, and prosperity, grounded in principles of inclusivity and transparency. Her priorities include delivering effective services, restoring community trust, enhancing safety, reducing red tape for businesses, supporting the local economy, and engaging with the community regularly.

Amy emphasizes integrity, experience, and action as guiding principles, committed to honesty, accountability, and turning promises into practical outcomes. The campaign seeks volunteers to support their mission of bringing new life to Cairns and delivering a better future for the city.

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