Who is Anthony Cahill? - Midlands–North-West - The Irish People - LykElect.com
Anthony Cahill

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Anthony Cahill - Midlands–North-West

2024 Irish European Parliament Election - Member Of The European Parliament Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Who is Anthony Cahill?

Anthony Cahill is a The Irish People candidate for Midlands–North-West seat in the 2024 Irish European Parliament Election.

Anthony Cahill is competing against 7 other candidates for the European Union seat of Midlands–North-West.

What are Anthony Cahill's Political Values?

Anthony Cahill is a member of the The Irish People Party.

The Irish People Party is a political organization in Ireland that supports independent candidates under a shared banner to enhance their electoral chances. The party emphasizes preserving Irish values and independence, addressing contemporary societal issues through a framework that respects individual viewpoints while promoting unified action.

Political Ideology and Key Policies:

The party's core principles include supporting traditional family values, advocating for free speech, prioritizing housing for Irish citizens, endorsing sensible immigration policies, maintaining neutrality in international conflicts, ensuring an education system free from indoctrination, and supporting rural and farming communities.

Family Values:

The Irish People Party strongly advocates for policies that support the creation and stability of families, viewing the family unit as a cornerstone of society. The party emphasizes the importance of fostering an environment that supports family development and the well-being of all its members.

Free Speech:

Committed to the principle that free expression should never be a crime, The Irish People Party champions the right to free speech. The party argues that open and unhindered discourse is essential for a healthy democracy and opposes any legislation that would criminalize free expression.


The party prioritizes the housing needs of Irish citizens above international obligations. It advocates for policies that ensure Irish families have access to affordable housing, addressing the current housing crisis directly and aiming to reduce the number of citizens without homes.


The Irish People Party endorses sensible immigration policies that do not overburden the country’s welfare system. The party supports a controlled approach to immigration that benefits the nation and maintains its cultural integrity, while also addressing the challenges associated with illegal immigration.


Maintaining a stance of neutrality in international conflicts is a key policy for The Irish People Party. The party believes in promoting peace and sovereignty, arguing that Ireland should not be involved in foreign wars or conflicts, adhering instead to its traditional role as a neutral entity.


The party asserts that education should be free from indoctrination, advocating for an educational system that focuses on factual learning and critical thinking skills. This stance is in response to concerns about the current educational content which, according to the party, includes inappropriate ideological influences.

Rural and Farming Communities:

The Irish People Party places a high importance on supporting rural and farming communities, recognizing their vital role in food production and environmental stewardship. The party opposes extreme environmental policies like the net-zero agenda, which it views as detrimental to these communities’ livelihoods and to national food security.

Political Position and Criticism of Current Policies:

The Irish People Party is critical of what it perceives as extreme globalist agendas pursued by the current government and mainstream media. It accuses these entities of promoting policies that have led to open borders, the sexualization and confusion of children through gender ideology, and the abandonment of Ireland's traditional neutrality in favor of supporting warring sides.

Public Sentiment and Challenges:

The party highlights the disillusionment among Irish youth, many of whom consider emigrating due to unfavorable economic and social conditions at home. It criticizes the government's immigration policies and climate actions, which it views as misguided and harmful to Irish society and national identity.

Mission and Vision:

The Irish People Party aims to restore focus on the well-being and interests of the Irish populace. It seeks to empower candidates who can voice public concerns independently within the political framework of Ireland.

By aligning like-minded independents under a shared platform, the party aims to strengthen their influence in local and European elections, promoting policies that reflect the collective will and heritage of the Irish people. The Irish People Party presents itself as a defender of Irish values and interests, advocating for sensible governance that aligns with the traditional and contemporary needs of its citizens.

It encourages a return to foundational societal values while providing a platform for independent political action.

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