Who is Arabella Vida? - Milton - Independent - LykElect.com
Arabella Vida

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Arabella Vida - Milton

2024 Milton provincial By-Election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - May, 2, 2024

Electorate of Milton - Independent - Canada

Who is Arabella Vida?

Arabella Vida is an accomplished scholar and the CEO of the Ethan Vida Organization (EVO), a charity focused on advocating for individuals with special needs. With advanced degrees and certifications in special-needs education, Arabella has dedicated her career to ensuring that vulnerable community members receive necessary support and recognition.

Her professional journey is driven by a commitment to turn educational theories into actionable benefits for the community.

Personal Story and Advocacy:

Arabella's advocacy is deeply rooted in her personal experiences as the mother of a severely autistic child. Through her encounters with healthcare and legal systems, she has gained a deep understanding of the challenges faced by families with special needs members.

These personal experiences have motivated her to push for systemic changes to better support these individuals and their families.

Vision and Goals for Milton:

Community and Human Rights: Arabella advocates for progressive housing policies, viewing housing as a fundamental human right. She supports legislation aimed at increasing affordable housing availability and controlling rent increases to make Milton a more accessible and sustainable place to live.

Economic Reforms:

She supports the establishment of a Guaranteed Basic Livable Income to help eradicate poverty and boost economic activity, ensuring all citizens have the financial means to participate in community life.

Healthcare Initiatives:

Arabella proposes the creation of state-of-the-art medical facilities tailored for individuals with special needs, providing holistic care that addresses their comprehensive wellbeing.

Education and Inclusion:

With a focus on special needs education, Arabella aims to transform educational systems to be more accommodating through enhanced resources, training, and inclusive policies.

Immigration and Advocacy:

She is committed to improving the lives of immigrants and refugees by advocating for fair immigration policies and better support systems to ensure equitable treatment and access to essential services.

Campaign Commitments and Engagement:

Arabella Vida's campaign is built on integrity and accountability, emphasizing open communication and proactive community engagement. She plans to remain accessible to her constituents through regular visits and forums, ensuring their voices are heard and addressed.

Arabella encourages the Milton community to engage with her campaign through various platforms, including social media and public events, to build a representative and inclusive campaign. Arabella Vida invites the community of Milton to support her candidacy for MPP, promising dedicated advocacy for their diverse needs and concerns.

She expresses her eagerness to serve and represent Milton with honor and privilege.

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