Who is Ben Adams? - Staffordshire - Conservative Party - LykElect.com
Ben Adams

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Ben Adams - Staffordshire

2024 British Local Government Election - Police And Crime Commissioner Candidate - May, 2, 2024

Electorate of Staffordshire - Conservative Party - United Kingdom

Who is Ben Adams?

Ben Adams is a British politician and public service commissioner with a diverse background in business, technology, and local government. Born and raised in Sutton Coldfield, Adams has lived in Staffordshire for over three decades with his wife, Jackie, and their two children, both of whom were educated in Lichfield before moving to London.

Initially aspiring to be a professional golfer after leaving school at 18, Adams pivoted to higher education and earned a degree from the Open University over six years while simultaneously forging a career in Information Technology (IT). Adams's business ventures include founding an Apple Computer dealership and developing a software company that specializes in business and accounting software.

Since 2007, he has actively engaged in community and political work across Staffordshire & Stoke, serving as a district councillor in Lichfield, a county councillor in Tamworth, and as a parliamentary candidate for Stoke-on-Trent North & Kidsgrove during the 2015 and 2017 general elections. Throughout his political career, Adams has held senior council positions, contributing to job creation, raising educational standards, and modernizing public services.

He emphasizes the importance of consulting with the public, managing budgets effectively, and leveraging technology to enhance public services, especially under financial constraints. Adams's approach to problem-solving in both the private and public sectors involves listening to all stakeholders involved, including customers, suppliers, management, workforce, charities, health providers, and service users.

He advocates for accountability in public services, efficient use of taxpayer money, and the importance of learning from mistakes to earn public trust and improve service delivery. As of November 2020, Adams is a candidate for the Police, Fire, and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire, with a focus on developing local plans that prioritize safety while ensuring the responsible allocation of a £250 million budget.

His extensive experience in IT, business, and local governance positions him as a skilled candidate capable of shaping public policy, improving service delivery, and effectively communicating with the public. Experience and Education.

Staffordshire Conservatives:

Adams has been involved with the Staffordshire Conservatives for over four years, focusing on his candidacy for Police, Fire, and Crime Commissioner since November 2020.

Staffordshire County Council:

Serving as the county councillor for Perrycrofts in Tamworth since May 2009, Adams has held cabinet positions responsible for various sectors, including schools, economic growth, and community safety.

Request Systems Limited:

Since January 1997, Adams has been the managing director, developing business software solutions for over 150 organizations.

The Conservative Party:

Adams has been a Conservative Party parliamentary candidate for Stoke-on-Trent North in the 2015 and 2017 general elections.

Adams Computers Limited:

Co-founder of an Apple Computer dealership focusing on providing comprehensive solutions for Apple products across the UK (January 1989 - January 2000).


Adams holds a BSc from The Open University, with studies ranging from Economics and Design to The Enlightenment (1983 - 1989). Ben Adams's career reflects a commitment to public service, leveraging his extensive background in business and technology to improve public policy and service delivery in Staffordshire.

What are Ben Adams's Political Values?

Ben Adams is a member of the Conservative Party.

The Conservative Party, known formally as the Conservative and Unionist Party and colloquially as the Tories, is one of the two primary political parties in the United Kingdom, rivaling the Labour Party. Established in 1834 from the older Tory Party, it has been a central figure in British politics, particularly since the 1920s when the Labour Party rose as its main competitor.

The party positions itself on the right-wing to centre-right of the political spectrum and includes various ideological factions such as one-nation conservatives, Thatcherites, and traditionalist conservatives. It has been the dominant governing party in the UK since 2010 and holds an annual conference to promote its policies.

Historical Context and Evolution:

The Conservative Party played a significant role during the British Empire's peak under leaders like Benjamin Disraeli. Its formation into the Conservative and Unionist Party occurred in 1912 after merging with the Liberal Unionist Party.

Over the decades, the Conservatives have shifted from protectionist economic policies to advocating for free markets, including deregulation and privatisation, especially notable since the 1980s. The party strongly supports the British union and has historically opposed Scottish and Welsh independence and a united Ireland.

Economic Policy:

Since the 1980s, the Conservative Party has championed liberal economic policies that emphasize free markets as the engine of economic prosperity. They have been skeptical of the European single currency, maintaining a stance against adopting the euro, a position solidified under the leadership of John Major and subsequent party leaders.

Notably, the party initiated austerity measures in 2010, which were somewhat relaxed in 2019 under Boris Johnson, who pledged increased public spending.

Social Policy:

The Conservative Party's approach to social issues has evolved from a traditionally conservative outlook to adopting more liberal stances, including the support for same-sex marriage rights in 2010. However, the party still faces internal divisions between modernisers, who advocate for progressive policies, and traditionalists, who hold to conservative principles.

Foreign and Defence Policy:

The Conservative Party has maintained a strong Atlanticist stance in its foreign policy, particularly valuing the 'Special Relationship' with the United States. It supports a robust defence policy including the maintenance of the UK’s nuclear deterrent through the Trident program and advocating for strong ties within NATO.

The party has historically supported interventions abroad, including the military action in Afghanistan post-9/11.

Electoral Base and Modern Challenges:

Traditionally, the Conservative Party has drawn significant support from homeowners, business owners, and rural constituents in England. However, post the 2016 EU referendum, the party has increasingly appealed to working-class voters from former Labour strongholds.

This shift reflects the evolving political landscape in the UK, where Brexit and social policies continue to shape electoral dynamics. The party's recent stance on immigration and multiculturalism has been complex, advocating for controlled immigration while facing challenges related to the integration of immigrants into British society.

These issues, alongside economic and social policies, continue to define the Conservative Party's role and strategies in modern British politics. The Conservative Party's policies encompass a broad spectrum of economic, social, foreign, and defense-related issues, reflecting its historical roots and its adaptation to contemporary political dynamics.

Below is a more detailed look into their key policy areas.

Market Liberalism:

The Conservative Party has consistently advocated for free-market policies, emphasizing privatization, marketization, and deregulation. These policies have been aimed at fostering economic growth and enterprise, although at times, such as under the Cameron-Clegg coalition, this approach has included moderate austerity measures to address the budget deficit.


A hallmark of recent Conservative policy has been the reduction of income tax rates, aiming to stimulate economic growth. For example, the top rate of income tax was reduced from 50% to 45% under David Cameron.

The party advocates keeping taxes low as a principle of economic management.

Austerity and Public Spending:

Initiated in 2010, the austerity program aimed to reduce public debt by cutting government spending. However, by 2019, in response to growing public discontent, Boris Johnson promised an end to austerity, pledging increased spending on public services like the NHS, police, and education.

Social Conservatism and Liberalism:

The Conservative Party's stance on social issues has shifted significantly over the years. While traditionally socially conservative, the party has adopted more liberal social policies in recent years, including support for same-sex marriage in 2013.

However, the party also contains factions that maintain more traditional conservative views on family and societal structure.


The Conservatives have implemented stricter immigration controls and have been critical of uncontrolled immigration, citing impacts on public services and social cohesion. Policies have included caps on non-EU immigration and pushing for the end of free movement within the EU post-Brexit.

Relationship with the United States:

The party strongly values the UK's 'Special Relationship' with the United States, emphasizing close diplomatic and military cooperation. This relationship has been especially prominent during the tenures of conservative leaders who align politically with U.S.


Defense and NATO:

The Conservatives are staunch supporters of NATO and have committed to meeting the NATO target of spending 2% of GDP on defense. The party supports maintaining the UK's nuclear deterrent, which is seen as crucial to national security.

European Union:

Conservative policy on Europe has varied significantly, with the party moving from a pro-European stance in the early decades to a more Eurosceptic position in recent years, culminating in the Brexit campaign. The party has advocated for maintaining strong trade and security relationships with European nations post-Brexit.

Strategic Defense and Security Review (SDSR):

The Conservatives have pledged to conduct regular SDSRs to align national defense and security strategies with current global threats and to ensure efficient spending on defense.

Procurement and Industry:

A key aspect of Conservative defense policy has been the reform of the defense procurement process to ensure timely delivery of the best possible equipment to the armed forces, while also supporting the domestic defense industry and exports.

Constitutional Reform:

Historically, the party has been cautious about extensive constitutional reforms. However, it has engaged in significant reforms such as the devolution of powers to Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Post-Brexit, there has been talk within the party of further constitutional review to balance the relationship between the government, parliament, and the courts. These policies reflect the Conservative Party's attempt to balance traditional conservative principles with the demands of a changing political and economic landscape in the UK and globally.

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