Who is Bev White? - St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire - Party Of Women

Bev White

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Bev White - St Neots And Mid Cambridgeshire

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate -July, 4, 2024

Who is Bev White?

Bev White is running as a Party Of Women candidate for the St Neots And Mid Cambridgeshire in the upcoming 2024 United Kingdom General Election.

Competing against 6 other candidate(s), Bev White aims to bring their extensive experience to the role as a candidate for Member Of Parliament in the Government Of The United Kingdom.

What are Bev White's Party Of Women Values?

Bev White is a member of the Party Of Women.

The Party of Women (POW), established in 2023 and registered in 2024 in the United Kingdom, was founded by Kellie-Jay Keen. It positions itself as a gender-critical and anti-transgender single-issue political entity.

The party's ideological foundation is built upon the assertion that biological sex is immutable, categorically denying the existence and legitimacy of transgender and non-binary identities. It strongly advocates against the practice of transitioning, especially in children, labeling it as abusive.

Biological Determinism:

POW asserts a strict binary understanding of gender, based on biological sex.

Rejection of Non-Binary Identity:

The party denies the existence of non-binary identities, classifying them as non-valid.

Opposition to Child Transitioning:

Transitioning treatments for minors are vehemently opposed, deemed harmful and abusive.

Core Beliefs and Societal Concerns:

POW vocalizes a series of concerns reflecting their core beliefs, centered around the impact of transgender inclusive policies on society.

Access to Female-Only Spaces:

The party opposes access for transgender women to spaces designated for cisgender women.

Indoctrination in Education:

There is a strong stance against what the party describes as indoctrination through the inclusion of transgender ideologies in school curricula.

Erosion of Female-Specific Language:

POW criticizes the use of gender-neutral terms in public health and argues this dilutes traditional female designations.

Integrity of Women’s Sports:

The participation of transgender women in women's sports is seen as undermining the fairness of these competitions.

Freedom of Speech and Single-Sex Services:

Members report being unable to freely express concerns about gender issues in workplaces and public forums without facing intimidation or repercussions.

Vanishing Single-Sex Services:

There is a noted disappearance of single-sex facilities in hospitals, schools, and other services, which the party aims to counteract.

Proposed Solutions and Legislative Goals:

In response to its concerns, POW proposes specific legislative reforms and policy changes aimed at reversing or altering current gender identity laws and practices.

Repeal of the Gender Recognition Act 2004:

The act, which allows individuals to legally change their gender, is targeted for repeal as it is seen as creating legal recognition for gender transitions that POW opposes.

Modification of the Equality Act:

The party seeks to remove "gender reassignment" as a protected characteristic to prevent what it perceives as discrimination against cisgender women.

Restoration of Reality-Based Services:

POW advocates for the overhaul of government institutions and public services to align with their view of biological and immutable gender distinctions, ensuring services are impartial and professionally managed based on biological sex rather than gender identity.


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