Who is Brendan Ogle? - Dublin - Independent - LykElect.com
Brendan Ogle

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Brendan Ogle - Dublin

2024 Irish European Parliament Election - Member Of The European Parliament Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Electorate of Dublin - Independent - Ireland

Who is Brendan Ogle?

Brendan Ogle is a prominent Irish trade union official and public figure known for his vocal advocacy on social and economic issues. Originally from Dundalk, County Louth, Ogle has had a significant impact in the trade union movement in Ireland.

He is married to Amanda La Combre and has faced personal challenges, including a battle with throat cancer from which he has recovered. Ogle has also been involved with the Dundalk F.C.

Supporters' Club, highlighting his community engagement.

Career in Trade Unions:

Ogle has held various leadership roles within the Irish trade union movement. He led the Irish Locomotive Drivers Association and was the former secretary of the ESB Group of Unions, becoming the first non-ESB employee to hold this position.

His tenure in union leadership has been marked by controversy, including his remarks about ESB workers being 'spoilt', which he made during a meeting with the dissident Republican group Éirígí. Despite facing significant media criticism and threats, he has been defended by figures such as Fergus Finlay, a former Irish presidential candidate.

Political Activism:

Brendan Ogle was a central figure in the protests against the introduction of water charges by Irish Water between 2014 and 2016, demonstrating his capability to mobilize public support for social causes. In March 2018, he announced plans to launch a new political party, although as of August 2023, this party has yet to be established.

Candidacy for European Parliament:

In 2024, Ogle is running as an independent candidate for the European Parliament representing the Dublin constituency. His campaign slogan, "Let’s put Dublin at the heart of Europe for once," emphasizes his focus on enhancing Dublin's influence and participation in European affairs.

Advocacy and Controversies:

Throughout his career, Ogle has been involved in various disputes and controversies, particularly related to his outspoken nature and criticisms of existing policies and practices within the sectors he has represented. Notably, he filed a complaint with the Workplace Relations Commission alleging discrimination and harassment after returning to work following his cancer treatment, underscoring his ongoing commitment to workers' rights and personal integrity in facing workplace challenges.

Ogle's candidacy and career reflect a deep commitment to social justice, workers' rights, and the importance of robust representation for Dublin in the European Parliament.

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