Who is Casey Davies? - Clark - Animal Justice Party - LykElect.com
Casey Davies

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Casey Davies - Clark

2024 Tasmania State Election - State Mp Candidate - March, 23, 2024

Electorate of Clark - Animal Justice Party - Australia

Who is Casey Davies?

Casey Davies, a candidate for Clark with the Animal Justice Party, has been an advocate for animal rights well before joining the party two years ago, inspired by a conversation with Ivan Davis. Identifying as non-binary and using they/them pronouns, Casey is also a committed vegan, motivated by a longstanding passion for animals.

Their educational background includes degrees in Zoology and Sustainable Living, and they are currently enhancing their expertise with studies in Protected Area Planning at UTAS. Beyond their commitment to animal justice, Casey has a diverse range of interests including insects, tattoos, gaming, and fitness.

They share a close bond with their rescue cat and enjoy spending time at their parents' rural property, which is home to goats, chickens, peacocks, and a kelpie, reflecting Casey's deep connection to animals and nature.

What are Casey Davies's Political Values?

Casey Davies is a member of the Animal Justice Party.

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) envisions a kinder Australia, advocating for the ethical treatment of animals alongside responsible environmental stewardship. It focuses on policy areas crucial to animal welfare such as ending puppy farming, factory farming, live animal export, and hunting.

Beyond animal issues, the AJP adopts positions aligned with its core values of kindness, equality, rationality, and non-violence on broader societal matters, including reproductive rights, criminal justice reform, and environmental policies. The party opposes the use of 1080 poison for animal population control, advocates for the decriminalization of cannabis, and supports measures to address climate change, emphasizing the harmful impacts of animal agriculture.

The AJP promotes a legislative framework that prioritizes animal rights, including the banning of live animal exports, and the phase-out of animal experimentation. Additionally, it champions access to abortion, proposes raising the age of criminal responsibility, and supports a comprehensive approach to asylum seekers, reflecting its commitment to a compassionate and equitable society.

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