Who is Cassi Bellingham? - Banbury - Independent - LykElect.com
Cassi Bellingham

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Cassi Bellingham - Banbury

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Electorate of Banbury - Independent - United Kingdom

Who is Cassi Bellingham?

Cassandra Bellingham, known as Cassi Bellingham on social media platforms, has a diverse professional background that includes roles as a psychotherapist, ex-ICU nurse, and veteran. She identifies with the pronouns She/Her and describes herself as pansexual.

Cassi is active on Twitter under the handle @North_Oxon and resides in Banbury, England.

Political Campaign:

Cassi Bellingham is running as an Independent Socialist Candidate for the constituency of Banbury in North Oxfordshire. Her campaign was highlighted in a tweet tagged with #SocialistSunday, where she appealed for donations to support her bid to become a Member of Parliament (MP).

Cassi is advocating for socialist values and policies which encompass public ownership of essential services like the NHS, water, energy, transport, and social care. Her platform also includes supporting a just transition to an Industrial Green New Deal, reforming the tax system with measures such as a wealth tax and closing tax loopholes for the wealthiest 1%, and upholding internationalist principles of fairness and justice in solidarity with oppressed groups worldwide.

Campaign Challenges:

Cassi acknowledges the difficulties of campaigning without the support of a major political party or large donors. She emphasizes that small donations are crucial to sustaining her campaign efforts and making her vision of bringing an independent socialist perspective to Parliament a reality.

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