Who is Catherine Evans? - Birkenhead - Freedom Alliance - LykElect.com
Catherine Evans

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Catherine Evans - Birkenhead

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Electorate of Birkenhead - Freedom Alliance - United Kingdom

Who is Catherine Evans?

Catherine Evans is a Freedom Alliance candidate for Birkenhead seat in the 2024 United Kingdom General Election.

Catherine Evans is competing against 5 other candidates for the Government Of The United Kingdom seat of Birkenhead.

What are Catherine Evans's Political Values?

Catherine Evans is a member of the Freedom Alliance Party.

Freedom Alliance is a political entity that originated from the protest movements of 2020, particularly in response to government measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. It positions itself as a platform for those feeling politically alienated by mainstream parties' stances on freedom and governmental control.

Formation and Purpose:

The party was established by a group of activists who were critical of the state's approach to managing the pandemic, including lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Their primary goal was to form a real opposition within the political system, advocating for individual, family, and community freedom from excessive government and corporate influence.

Freedom Alliance seeks to challenge the prevailing narratives endorsed by traditional political parties, which they believe cater predominantly to global banks and major corporations.

Political Ideology:

Freedom Alliance advocates for a range of freedoms that are grouped into several key areas: autonomy and rights of the individual, economic freedom, resistance to corporate and government overreach, health freedom, and the preservation of personal sovereignty. They express a strong opposition to what they view as governmental overreach that infringes on personal freedoms and individual rights.

This includes opposition to measures like ID cards, social credit scores, and extensive surveillance.

Economic and Corporate Policies:

The party promotes economic freedom, emphasizing the support for local businesses and the right to conduct business free from overwhelming governmental and corporate interference. They oppose digital-only payment methods and the influence of large corporations in dictating market terms, advocating instead for a market that offers equal opportunities for smaller enterprises.

Health Freedom and Government Transparency:

Freedom Alliance places a strong emphasis on health freedom, including the right to make personal medical decisions without coercion. They advocate for limited, transparent, and accountable government, especially in times of crisis.

The party stands against any form of health passport or similar systems that could restrict individual freedoms based on health status. Freedom Alliance represents a political refuge for those disillusioned with the conventional left-right political discourse, focusing on what they consider 'right versus wrong' rather than 'left versus right'.

They call for a political renaissance where the interests of the people prevail over those of the elite and large corporations, advocating for a return to more localized, transparent, and accountable governance. Their manifesto and activities underline a commitment to challenging the status quo and redefining the political landscape to better reflect the values of freedom and sovereignty.

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