Who is Chris Magness? - Sussex Weald - Uk Independence Party (Ukip)

Chris Magness

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Chris Magness - Sussex Weald

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate -July, 4, 2024

Who is Chris Magness?

Chris Magness is running as a Uk Independence Party (Ukip) candidate for the Sussex Weald in the upcoming 2024 United Kingdom General Election.

Competing against 7 other candidate(s), Chris Magness aims to bring their extensive experience to the role as a candidate for Member Of Parliament in the Government Of The United Kingdom.

What are Chris Magness's Uk Independence Party (Ukip) Values?

Chris Magness is a member of the Uk Independence Party (Ukip).

The UK Independence Party (UKIP) has established itself as a political entity focused on reclaiming and asserting the United Kingdom's sovereignty, promoting national independence from supranational organizations, and advocating for stringent immigration control.

Here is a detailed look at their specific policies across various domains:

Governance and Sovereignty: Withdrawal from International Agreements: UKIP plans to withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights and the 1951 UN Refugee Convention, citing these as threats to UK's sovereignty.

Scrapping the Withdrawal Agreement:

UKIP proposes to nullify the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement to regain control over laws, borders, and fishing rights compromised by the agreement.

Restoration of Full Sovereignty:

The party insists on rejecting any treaties or international organizations that might infringe upon the UK's sovereignty, ensuring that no foreign law is superior to British law.

Economic Policies:

Free Market and Low Tax Economy: UKIP supports the establishment of a low-tax environment to foster business growth and economic opportunities, particularly post-Brexit.

Reform of Public Services:

Proposals include reforming the National Health Service (NHS), the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), and rebuilding the UK's military capabilities.

Energy Policy:

The party opposes the 'green agenda' and plans to make energy as affordable as possible by promoting traditional energy sources over renewable ones.

Social and Cultural Policies:

Immigration and Population Control: UKIP intends to legislate stringent controls on immigration to maintain population balance and protect the British countryside from over-development.

Promotion of British Values:

The party aims to protect free speech, curb political correctness, and preserve traditional British culture and values against what it perceives as 'cancel culture'.

Education and Healthcare Reform:

Plans include overhauling the education system to better align with UK's national interests and implementing reforms in the NHS to improve efficiency and service.

Democratic Reforms:

Electoral and Political Reform: UKIP advocates for the abolition of the House of Lords in its current form, replacing it with a democratically elected upper chamber. The party also supports changing the current first-past-the-post voting system to a proportional representation system to ensure fairer representation.

Referendums on Key Issues:

The party proposes referendums on abolishing net zero targets, reforming the voting system, and reinstating capital punishment as tools to directly involve the public in significant legislative decisions.

Defense and National Security:

Strengthening Borders: A firm stance on reinforcing border controls to tackle illegal immigration and ensuring the security of the UK's territorial waters.

Defense Policy:

Rebuilding the UK's military strength and ensuring that the UK does not participate in foreign wars without clear national interest or democratic support.

Foreign Policy:

Non-Interference Stance: UKIP promotes a foreign policy that focuses on non-interference in the affairs of other nations unless it directly affects the UK's interests.

Selective Participation in International Bodies:

While the party supports continued membership in the United Nations, it is critical of the influence of bodies like the World Health Organization and opposes any form of 'global governance' that infringes on UK's sovereignty.


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