Who is Ciarán Cuffe? - Dublin - Green - LykElect.com
Ciarán Cuffe

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Ciarán Cuffe - Dublin

2024 Irish European Parliament Election - Member Of The European Parliament Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Electorate of Dublin - Green - Ireland

Who is Ciarán Cuffe?

Ciarán Cuffe is a Green candidate for Dublin seat in the 2024 Irish European Parliament Election.

Ciarán Cuffe is competing against 7 other candidates for the European Union seat of Dublin.

What are Ciarán Cuffe's Political Values?

Ciarán Cuffe is a member of the Green Party.

The Green Party, known in Irish as Comhaontas Glas, is a green political party in Ireland that operates both in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Founded on December 3, 1981, as the Ecology Party of Ireland, it later became the Green Alliance and finally adopted its current name in 1987.

The party is positioned on the centre-left and is part of the European Green Party and the Global Greens network. The Green Party advocates for environmental issues and progressive social policies within a framework of social justice, grassroots democracy, and non-violence.

Environmental Sustainability:

The Green Party's environmental policy is built around the principle that society's impact on the environment should not be ecologically disruptive. They focus on conservation of resources, ecological wisdom, and ensuring that future generations inherit a healthy planet.

Their commitment extends to rigorous climate action plans, protection of biodiversity, and promoting sustainable agricultural and industrial practices.

Social Justice and Grassroots Democracy:

The Green Party emphasizes social justice and aims to ensure that all political, social, and economic decisions are made at the lowest effective level to facilitate more direct participation and influence by citizens. They advocate for universal healthcare, gender equality, and the protection of minority rights, including policies tailored to the LGBTQI+ community and other marginalized groups.

Economic Policies:

The Green Party supports a stable and inclusive economy that does not rely solely on GDP as a measure of success. They propose alternatives to GDP for assessing economic health, focusing on sustainability and the redistribution of resources to address global inequalities.

The party also supports public banking, universal basic income, and corporate reforms to ensure that businesses contribute positively to society and the environment.

Housing and Homelessness:

The Green Party recognizes the success of the Housing First strategy and sees it as fundamental to eliminating homelessness and rough sleeping in Ireland. They advocate for affordable housing integrated within communities to enhance social and economic well-being.

Health Care:

The party proposes a health care system that is accessible and free at the point of use, emphasizing the importance of preventive care and community-based solutions. This includes implementing the Sláintecare program fully to overhaul the current health system.


The Green Party envisions a sustainable transport system that prioritizes public transit, cycling, and walking, aiming to reduce reliance on cars and decrease carbon emissions. This involves investing in public transportation infrastructure and promoting urban planning practices that support easy access to services and green spaces.

Economic Development:

The Green Party supports measures that make the economy more inclusive and environmentally sustainable. This includes advocating for public banking to provide financial services that support community development and pushing for economic policies that prioritize long-term sustainability over short-term profits.

Political Engagement and Representation:

The Green Party actively participates in Ireland's political landscape across multiple levels, including local government, the Dáil Éireann, the European Parliament, and more. They aim to influence policy through their representation and advocate for a transformative approach to governance that aligns with their core principles of environmental sustainability and social justice.

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