Who is Clare Daly? - Dublin - Inds. 4 Change - LykElect.com
Clare Daly

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Clare Daly - Dublin

2024 Irish European Parliament Election - Member Of The European Parliament Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Electorate of Dublin - Inds. 4 Change - Ireland

Who is Clare Daly?

Clare Daly is a Inds. 4 Change candidate for Dublin seat in the 2024 Irish European Parliament Election.

Clare Daly is competing against 7 other candidates for the European Union seat of Dublin.

What are Clare Daly's Political Values?

Clare Daly is a member of the Inds. 4 Change Party.

Independents 4 Change is a political collective of left-wing social justice campaigners and public representatives in Ireland. The group prides itself on its independence while recognizing the strength of collective action.

Core to their values is the opposition to neoliberalism and the promotion of global peace, aiming to build a fair society that prioritizes the interests of both people and the planet.

Historical Context:

Independents 4 Change is part of a broader movement within the European Parliament that has evolved since before direct elections, starting with the Communists and Allies Group. This group evolved into the Gauche Unitaire Européenne (GUE) in 1989 and later transformed into the European United Left (GUE/NGL) after further expansions and mergers with various left-wing parties across Europe.

Current Representation:

The group is actively involved with the Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL), an assembly of non-social democratic left-wing parties within the European Parliament. This coalition has seen various expansions and currently includes diverse parties from across Europe, reflecting a commitment to a wide array of leftist ideologies.

Economic Justice:

Independents 4 Change challenges the prevailing economic policies of austerity, privatization, and deregulation that favor big businesses at the expense of workers. They advocate for better employment and social rights and highlight the impact of tax avoidance, emphasizing that the economy should serve the collective good and wealth should be fairly distributed.

Environmental Advocacy:

The group is committed to strong measures against climate change and supports sustainable environmental, agriculture, and fisheries policies. They champion animal rights and welfare, aiming to protect nature and support small rural and coastal communities.

Feminism and Equality:

A significant focus is on ensuring that all EU policymaking incorporates a gender perspective. Independents 4 Change fights for equal pay, defends the rights of minorities and LGBTQI+ communities, and advocates for strategies to end violence against women and girls.

Rights and Liberties:

The group upholds dignity, equality, and solidarity in addressing civil liberties and human rights issues within and beyond Europe. They seek a humane migration system and challenge the rise of xenophobic rhetoric, emphasizing the protection of whistleblowers and the privacy of individuals against exploitation by large tech companies.

Peace and Solidarity:

Independents 4 Change works towards fair policies for developing countries and actively challenges EU policies perceived as supporting human rights abuses, such as those against Palestinians. They oppose the militarization of the EU and promote a foreign policy centered on peace.

Democratic Integrity:

The group holds EU institutions accountable, promoting transparency and ethical governance. They challenge neoliberal and far-right influences within the EU, advocating for alternative visions for the union's future.

Independents 4 Change represents a voice within the European Parliament that stands for a comprehensive array of progressive policies. Their commitment to social justice, economic equity, environmental sustainability, and democratic integrity defines their role both in Ireland and across the European Left, advocating for a Europe that truly serves the needs of its people and the planet.

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