Who is Conor Murphy? - Dublin - Independent - LykElect.com
Conor Murphy

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Conor Murphy - Dublin

2024 Irish European Parliament Election - Member Of The European Parliament Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Electorate of Dublin - Independent - Ireland

Who is Conor Murphy?

Conor Murphy is an independent candidate for the European Parliament representing Dublin. He boasts a diverse background with over 30 years of global management experience in blue-chip companies, particularly in the energy sector.

Murphy holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mech.), an MBA, and is currently a third-year medical student. Fluent in multiple languages and having held significant leadership roles, he claims to be highly qualified for the complexities of the MEP position.

Commitment to Ireland's Independence:

Murphy is dedicated to ensuring that Ireland retains its hard-won independence. He emphasizes his commitment to integrity and transparency in governance, distancing himself from traditional politicians by highlighting his extensive experience in business and healthcare rather than in politics.

Transparency and Accountability:

Murphy promises to provide weekly updates to his constituents on key issues such as the budget, health, energy, housing, and immigration. He aims to foster trust through open communication and regular engagement with the people of Dublin.

Housing Policy:

Addressing housing concerns, Murphy focuses on the need to balance economic metrics to ensure that young Irish people feel valued and adequately housed. He observes that despite significant development in South County Dublin, local youth feel disconnected from this new capacity.

Energy and Healthcare:

Murphy plans to develop a 30-year energy strategy aimed at securing energy supply and ensuring competitive energy prices for Ireland. He also pledges to maximize the value derived from healthcare expenditure, enhancing the standard of living and health services.

Support for the Community:

Born and raised in Dublin, Murphy is deeply committed to the local community. He plans to engage regularly with his constituents, particularly those who feel disenfranchised or neglected by the government.

Emphasis on Integrity and Sport:

Murphy stresses the importance of integrity in his campaign, promising not to support any business activities that contravene these principles. Additionally, he mentions his background as a semi-professional rugby player and an international cricket player for Irish schools and universities, indicating a strong passion for sports.

Inclusivity and Representation:

Murphy is committed to ensuring that all citizens, particularly the young and the elderly, feel included, valued, and represented by their government. He advocates for policies that prioritize the needs of Irish people without leaving them to fend for themselves.

Murphy encourages the voters of Dublin to support his candidacy in the upcoming European election, emphasizing his qualifications, trustworthiness, and dedication to delivering results for Ireland in Europe.

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