Who is Count Binface? - Greater London - Independent - LykElect.com
Count Binface

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Count Binface - Greater London

2024 British Local Government Election - Mayor Candidate - May, 2, 2024

Electorate of Greater London - Independent - United Kingdom

Who is Count Binface?

Count Binface, a satirical political figure created by Jonathan David Harvey, is campaigning for the 2024 Mayor of London position. Known for his unique blend of humor and political commentary, Binface is seeking signatures from each London borough to support his candidacy.

He emphasizes his history of contesting elections, highlighting his participation in the Uxbridge and South Ruislip 2023 by-election where he finished 8th among 18 candidates, beating UKIP and Piers Corbyn. Binface promises to address serious issues with a humorous twist, critiquing the handling of various crises by political leaders, including the mishandling of the pandemic, environmental negligence, and economic mismanagement.

His manifesto includes whimsical yet pointed policies such as bringing back Ceefax, renaming London Bridge after Phoebe Waller-Bridge, and addressing inflation on croissants. He also aims to tackle the perceived misconduct of MPs, advocating for political reform and transparency.

His campaign reflects a broader critique of current political culture, offering a satirical yet insightful take on democracy and governance. Binface positions himself as a continuity candidate, emphasizing stability and his commitment to serving the people over traditional political ambitions.

He encourages participation in democracy, urging Londoners to take a stand in the upcoming election while also championing charitable causes, such as raising money for Shelter. Count Binface's campaign underscores the importance of political engagement and the power of satire in challenging and reflecting on the state of politics today.

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