Who is Craig Buckley? - Leigh and Atherton - English Democrats - LykElect.com
Craig Buckley

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Craig Buckley - Leigh And Atherton

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Electorate of Leigh and Atherton - English Democrats - United Kingdom

Who is Craig Buckley?

Craig Buckley is a English Democrats candidate for Leigh and Atherton seat in the 2024 United Kingdom General Election.

Craig Buckley is competing against 6 other candidates for the Government Of The United Kingdom seat of Leigh and Atherton.

What are Craig Buckley's Political Values?

Craig Buckley is a member of the English Democrats Party.

The English Democrats are a political party in the United Kingdom that emphasize national pride and the distinctiveness of English identity within the broader UK framework. They advocate for English independence from the United Kingdom, believing that England should be a self-governing nation without the influence of the UK's political structures, which they feel disproportionately favor the other UK nations and disadvantage England.

Political Position and Economic Policies:

The English Democrats position themselves as neither strictly left-wing nor right-wing but focus on a mixed economy model. They strongly oppose the excessive influence of globalization, which they believe undermines English jobs and industries.

Their economic policies favor supporting local manufacturing and are critical of economic policies driven by cheap labor and outsourcing. They propose stringent measures to resist the perceived negative impacts of the European Union on English governance and economics, advocating for English withdrawal from the EU to regain full legislative autonomy.

Social Policies and National Identity:

The party is staunchly opposed to what it sees as the erosion of English identity and culture, advocating for policies that stress the integration of immigrants into English society and the importance of upholding English values. They support the establishment of an English Parliament and seek to ensure that legislation and governance are reflective solely of English interests, without external influence from the broader UK or the EU.

Immigration and Cultural Integration:

The English Democrats advocate for a strict immigration policy based on a points system similar to those used in Canada and Australia. They emphasize the importance of immigrants integrating into English society and contributing positively to the community.

The party is vocally critical of multiculturalism, which they argue dilutes English culture and identity, proposing instead a model where the integration emphasizes adherence to English values and norms.

Controversial Views:

The party often faces criticism for its strong stances on national identity and immigration, which some view as veering towards nationalism. They deny accusations of racism, framing their policies as a defense of national pride and cultural integrity rather than exclusion based on race.

Their approach to social policies includes controversial positions on human rights and the role of state governance in personal identity matters, particularly concerning gender and race. The English Democrats represent a viewpoint in UK politics that prioritizes national identity, sovereignty, and cultural unity under an English banner, distinct from the rest of the United Kingdom.

Their policies advocate for a return to more traditional values and structures, with a significant emphasis on restoring what they perceive as the rightful status and independence of England within a global context.

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