Who is Daire Hughes? - Newry and Armagh - Sinn Fein - LykElect.com
Daire Hughes

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Daire Hughes - Newry And Armagh

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Electorate of Newry and Armagh - Sinn Fein, Sinn Fein - United Kingdom

Who is Daire Hughes?

Daire Hughes is a Sinn Fein candidate for Newry and Armagh seat in the 2024 United Kingdom General Election.

Daire Hughes is competing against 7 other candidates for the Government Of The United Kingdom seat of Newry and Armagh.

What are Daire Hughes's Political Values?

Daire Hughes is a member of the Sinn Fein Party.

Sinn Féin is an Irish republican and democratic socialist party, known for its left-wing nationalism and populist socialist ideology. It has been categorized in literature as both left-wing nationalist and left-wing populist, often employing a "us vs them" rhetoric focusing on "the people vs elites" without engaging in anti-immigrant sentiments.

The party aligns with The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL group in the European Parliament.

Climate Justice and Energy Transition:

Sinn Féin prioritizes a just transition that ensures no community is left behind as Ireland shifts towards a sustainable economy. This involves substantial investment in renewable energy sources while safeguarding jobs in traditional industries.

They propose specific measures to increase the state, community, and domestically owned renewable projects, aiming to decentralize energy production and enhance energy security for all.

Housing Crisis Response:

Addressing the housing crisis is central to Sinn Féin’s policy framework. They advocate for an aggressive construction plan to build 100,000 social and affordable homes over five years.

Additionally, Sinn Féin supports introducing legislative changes to cap rent increases and provide tax relief to renters, aiming to stabilize the volatile housing market and make housing more accessible and affordable for Irish citizens.

Health Care Overhaul:

Sinn Féin's health policy focuses on dismantling the existing two-tier health system to establish a unified, publicly funded health service modeled after the UK's NHS. Their strategy includes significant investment to reduce wait times, expand hospital capacity, and improve mental health services.

They also propose enhancing primary care services and reducing the cost barriers to healthcare access.

Social Welfare Reforms:

In social welfare, Sinn Féin proposes transformative changes to make the system more responsive to the needs of the population. Key initiatives include benchmarking social welfare payments to ensure they meet a minimum essential standard of living and restructuring social insurance as a percentage of previous earnings rather than a flat rate, which aims to provide more equitable benefits based on prior contributions.

Safety and Policing:

On community safety, Sinn Féin suggests comprehensive reforms to policing and public safety measures. Their policies include increasing funding for the Gardaí (Irish police force), improving training processes, and establishing specialized units for public transport and organized crime.

These measures are intended to enhance the effectiveness of law enforcement and ensure greater community safety.

International Relations and Defense:

Sinn Féin promotes a vision of Ireland as a neutral, non-aligned country actively participating in international diplomacy and peacekeeping. They oppose NATO membership and advocate for Ireland's active involvement in conflict resolution and humanitarian missions globally, underpinned by a strong commitment to international law and human rights.

Economic Development:

Economically, Sinn Féin supports the development of a cooperative and inclusive economy that redistributes resources more fairly. This includes significant public investment in local and regional development projects to stimulate economic growth and employment.

They also propose financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and worker cooperatives to foster a more diversified and resilient economy.

Education and Language:

In education, Sinn Féin focuses on eliminating educational inequalities and promoting the Irish language. They propose ending academic selection in schools to provide more equitable educational opportunities.

Additionally, they support enhancing the status and use of the Irish language through legislation that ensures its use in public signage, official communications, and education.

Renewable Energy and Environmental Policies:

Sinn Féin aims to accelerate the transition to renewable energy, emphasizing the socio-economic benefits for Irish society. They propose extensive investments in public transport to reduce carbon emissions and a fair retrofit plan targeting energy poverty.

Cultural and Language Promotion:

The party strongly supports the promotion of the Irish language and Irish culture, proposing legislative changes to enhance the status and use of Irish in public and commercial spheres.

Advocacy for International Solidarity:

Sinn Féin has expressed solidarity with various international causes, including the independence movements in Catalonia and support for Palestine. They have historically maintained fraternal ties with liberation movements like the African National Congress.

Position on European Union:

While historically critical of the EU, Sinn Féin has adopted a stance of "critical engagement," opposing aspects of the EU they view as neoliberal or threats to national sovereignty, while supporting cooperation on human rights and environmental issues. Sinn Féin presents a platform of robust social, economic, and environmental reforms aimed at fostering a fair, inclusive, and sustainable society in both Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Their policies reflect a blend of traditional socialist values with modern, progressive approaches to societal challenges.

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