Who is Danny Clarke? - Runcorn and Helsby - The Liberal Party - LykElect.com
Danny Clarke

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Danny Clarke - Runcorn And Helsby

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Electorate of Runcorn and Helsby - The Liberal Party - United Kingdom

Who is Danny Clarke?

Danny Clarke is a The Liberal Party candidate for Runcorn and Helsby seat in the 2024 United Kingdom General Election.

Danny Clarke is competing against 6 other candidates for the Government Of The United Kingdom seat of Runcorn and Helsby.

What are Danny Clarke's Political Values?

Danny Clarke is a member of the The Liberal Party.

The Liberal Party is dedicated to fostering a liberal society in which every citizen has liberty, property, and security. The party prioritizes individual rights and opportunities, with a focus on freedom across various aspects of governance and daily life.

Agriculture and Rural Affairs:

The party aims to reform agricultural policies post-Brexit, including ending Pillar One Payments and focusing support directly on farmers rather than landowners. It advocates for sustainable fishing practices modeled after Iceland's tradable fishing quotas and supports local food systems by encouraging public bodies to source food directly from local producers.

Environmental considerations are integral, with incentives for farming practices that reduce carbon emissions and increase carbon retention.

Animal Welfare:

The Liberal Party plans to enshrine animal sentience in UK law, ensuring animal welfare is considered in policymaking. It supports banning painful farming practices, improving living conditions for farm animals, and establishing stricter regulations to enhance animal welfare in agriculture.

Constitutional and Governance Reforms:

Proposals include reducing the monarchy to a ceremonial role and removing its political powers. The party advocates for significant governance reforms such as a written constitution, federalism to devolve powers, and the replacement of the House of Lords with a fully elected upper chamber focused on non-partisan scrutiny of legislation.

Economics and Fiscal Policy:

The party's economic strategy includes creating a sustainable and innovative economy by 2050, with substantial investment in infrastructure and workforce development. Fiscal policies favor progressive taxation, replacing traditional taxes with a Land Value Tax, and maintaining strict measures against tax evasion and avoidance.

Civil Liberties and Law Reform:

A new Bill of Rights is proposed to enhance civil liberties, alongside the repeal of laws seen as compromising freedom. Drug policies would be reformed to decriminalize possession for personal use and adopt a public health approach to drug-related issues.

Foreign Policy and Defense:

The party supports a liberal, rules-based international order and aims to strengthen multilateral organizations like the UN and NATO. Defense initiatives include increasing defense personnel and modernizing equipment to address contemporary security challenges.

Healthcare and Social Care:

Plans include integrating social care and mental health services under the NHS to improve accessibility and effectiveness. The party also aims to increase investment in healthcare infrastructure and expand the healthcare workforce.

Education and Skills Development:

Educational reforms aim to reduce stress and focus more on critical thinking and practical skills. The party plans to increase funding for disadvantaged students and expand vocational training options to cater to diverse educational needs.

Energy and Environment:

Commitments to phasing out fossil fuels, investing in renewable energy, and supporting green technology innovations are key. The party aims to implement measures to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and promote environmental stewardship through policies like rewilding and carbon taxation.

The Liberal Party's comprehensive approach to creating a progressive and sustainable society, emphasizing freedom, individual rights, and environmental responsibility.

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