Who is David Carmona? - Cambridge - Independent

David Carmona

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David Carmona - Cambridge

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate -July, 4, 2024

Cambridge - Independent - United Kingdom

Who is David Carmona?

David Carmona was born in a quaint French village nestled near the Jura mountains, just across the border from Geneva, Switzerland. The village, characterized by its essential structures such as a church, town hall, café, and a school, was steeped in a rich history with a manor once owned by a notorious gold smuggler named Voltaire.

David's childhood was spent in an apartment within a modern estate surrounded by lush greenery. Despite the idyllic setting, his early encounters included whimsical yet poignant moments, such as inhaling from a cigarette butt at the age of three, an experience that deterred him from smoking ever again.

A memorable childhood adventure involved a narrow escape from a bull after climbing into a field, which he initially thought was empty.

Youthful Ventures and Return to England:

At eight years old, David's spirit for leadership emerged when he rallied his classmates for a mock 'revolution' at his new school in southern France. Although the revolution was short-lived, it highlighted his early knack for organizing and leading.

By sixteen, David and his family moved back to England, where he excelled academically due to his proficiency in English, taught by his mother. His school years were also marked by a stint in stand-up comedy, where he gained notable appreciation, especially when satirizing the headmaster who was present in the audience.

Academic and Early Career Challenges:

David pursued a Law degree at Cambridge University, although his tutors were skeptical about his suitability for the profession. Post-university life saw him residing in various parts of London, France, Belgium, and Austria, engaging in diverse jobs from market research interviewing to software programming.

His career trajectory took a dramatic turn in 1999 when he founded a startup during the Internet bubble, narrowly missing out on becoming a billionaire.

Political Involvement and Current Endeavors:

In more recent years, David has become an active community figure. He served as a school governor and played a significant role in local political campaigns.

His political engagement deepened with his candidacy for a local council by-election and his plans to run as an independent in the next general election for Cambridge. David's philosophy leans towards moderate, incremental change, emphasizing community consensus and gradual improvement.

Personal Life and Hobbies:

David maintains a rich personal life; his hobbies include reading, socializing, debating with family members, playing the trumpet, and writing short stories. He stays active by jogging, cycling, and swimming.

Like many of his fellow Cambridge residents, he cherishes the simple dream of relaxing on a sunny beach. This blend of intellectual pursuits and community involvement paints a portrait of a man deeply embedded in both his local and broader environments, constantly striving for personal and communal growth.

Political Philosophy and Commitments:

David Carmona's political values are deeply rooted in community empowerment, pragmatic solutions, and independence from the entrenched interests of major political parties. His campaign advocates for a return to localized governance where community input and needs drive political decisions, contrasting sharply with what he perceives as the exploitative tendencies of national parties.

Emphasis on Local Priorities:

David emphasizes the importance of prioritizing local needs over national agendas. He argues that Cambridge is experiencing rapid changes with inflows of money leading to rising poverty, crime, and deterioration of infrastructure.

His stance is that only a truly independent candidate can effectively address these issues without the constraint of party politics, ensuring that the city's success does not become a detriment to its residents.

Responsive and Responsible Governance:

He calls for an end to "hollow pledges and bickering" within political circles, proposing instead to work collaboratively with all stakeholders to develop sensible and financially feasible policies. His vision includes improving public transport, making streets safer for cyclists and pedestrians without disadvantaging car users, and enhancing access to affordable housing and dental care.

He also opposes excessive development that could alter the character and livability of the city.

Strengthening Society Through Education and Volunteering:

David is a proponent of strengthening educational initiatives and integrating community service into the societal fabric. He supports reforms in university funding and the expansion of apprenticeships to create more opportunities for young people.

Additionally, he advocates for a voluntary national service encompassing health and social services, aiming to foster a spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance.

Economic and Social Incentives:

His campaign also focuses on economic measures to bolster local industry and innovation, reduce dependency on outsourcing and offshoring, and protect high streets from the pressures of e-commerce. He champions policies that provide job security and additional benefits for key workers, aiming to address the challenges faced by the most vulnerable sectors of society, including the elderly.

Independent and Community-Centric Leadership:

David's call to action, "BE INDEPENDENT, VOTE FOR DAVID!", encapsulates his appeal to voters to reject party allegiance in favor of a candidate who promises to be responsive to their needs and concerns. His campaign underscores the importance of having a say in local governance, suggesting that independent leadership can more effectively secure the future for current and subsequent generations through policies based on community, education, mutual respect, and a pragmatic approach to challenges.


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