Who is David Martin? - Ipswich City - Independent - LykElect.com
David Martin

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David Martin - Ipswich City

2024 Queensland Local Government Election - Mayor Candidate - March, 16, 2024

Electorate of Ipswich City - Independent - Australia

Who is David Martin?

David Martin is running for Ipswich City Mayor, focusing on improving the city to make it a place of pride for its residents. His campaign revolves around delivering basic services like waste collection, road maintenance, and park upkeep timely.

He aims to collaborate with state and federal governments for significant infrastructure projects, including building bridges, stadiums, and arts precincts, and enhancing rail connections. Martin is committed to environmental sustainability by planning for the future, increasing green spaces, protecting natural corridors, and managing waste responsibly.

His economic strategy supports local businesses and aims to create job opportunities. Community engagement is key, with plans to make the government more accessible and responsive.

Martin, an Ipswich local with a diverse background and deep community involvement, is an independent candidate, funding his campaign without political party affiliation. He envisions a collaborative effort to develop Ipswich into a city that everyone can be proud of.

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