Who is Diarmaid Ó Conoráin? - Dublin - Irish Freedom - LykElect.com
Diarmaid Ó Conoráin

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Diarmaid Ó Conoráin - Dublin

2024 Irish European Parliament Election - Member Of The European Parliament Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Electorate of Dublin - Irish Freedom - Ireland

Who is Diarmaid Ó Conoráin?

Diarmaid Ó Conoráin is a Irish Freedom candidate for Dublin seat in the 2024 Irish European Parliament Election.

Diarmaid Ó Conoráin is competing against 7 other candidates for the European Union seat of Dublin.

What are Diarmaid Ó Conoráin's Political Values?

Diarmaid Ó Conoráin is a member of the Irish Freedom Party.

The Irish Freedom Party, formerly known as the Irexit Freedom to Prosper Party, is a far-right, hard Eurosceptic political party in Ireland. Founded on September 8, 2018, the party advocates for Ireland's withdrawal from the European Union, aiming to restore full national sovereignty and democracy.

The party is led by Hermann Kelly, a former communications director for the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy group, and chaired by architect Michael Leahy. Currently, the party does not hold any seats at local or national levels.

Sovereignty and Independence:

The Irish Freedom Party's central mission is to re-establish Ireland's independence from the European Union. The party believes that leaving the EU will allow Ireland to regain control over its laws, trade, borders, immigration, and fiscal policies.

This move is seen as essential for protecting Ireland's marine resources, human rights under Irish law, and maintaining military neutrality.

National Unity:

The party supports efforts towards the reunification of Ireland and advocates for the consent of Northern Irish voters to join an independent Ireland free from the control of both London and Brussels. The party views an EU exit as critical to preventing a second partition of Ireland due to EU regulations potentially creating new barriers between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Immigration and Cultural Identity:

The Irish Freedom Party promotes controlled immigration to ensure that it benefits the interests of Irish citizens. The party opposes the EU's free movement policies, which allow EU citizens and their families unrestricted access to Ireland.

By leaving the EU, the party believes Ireland can better plan for sustainable housing and protect Irish cultural and historical traditions.

Economic and Democratic Potential:

Post-EU exit, the party envisions Ireland embracing global opportunities to fulfill its economic and democratic potential. This includes leveraging the Irish diaspora, which the party argues should be given preference in immigration policies over EU citizens and others due to their inherent connection and loyalty to Ireland.

Health and Public Services:

The party acknowledges the need for significant reforms in Ireland's healthcare system, citing long waiting lists and insufficient staff as major issues. They propose improving pay for medical professionals to retain talent and expanding national health awareness and home care services to reduce hospital demand.

Climate and Tax Policies:

The Irish Freedom Party rejects carbon taxes and other climate-related charges that they believe unfairly penalize ordinary people. The party calls for more practical, education-based approaches to environmental conservation.

It also advocates for a fairer tax system that reduces the burden on middle-income earners by adjusting tax thresholds and cutting rates. The Irish Freedom Party positions itself as a nationalist, anti-EU party focused on restoring Ireland's sovereignty and enhancing the well-being of its citizens through controlled immigration, economic independence, and cultural preservation.

While it currently lacks representation in government, the party continues to promote its agenda through public engagement and participation in elections.

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