Who is Donna Murray-Turner? - Croydon West - Taking The Initiative Party - LykElect.com
Donna Murray-Turner

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Donna Murray-Turner - Croydon West

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Who is Donna Murray-Turner?

Donna Murray-Turner is a Taking The Initiative Party candidate for Croydon West seat in the 2024 United Kingdom General Election.

Donna Murray-Turner is competing against 7 other candidates for the Government Of The United Kingdom seat of Croydon West.

What are Donna Murray-Turner's Political Values?

Donna Murray-Turner is a member of the Taking The Initiative Party.

The Taking the Initiative Party (TTIP) was established by a group of British businesspeople, including individuals from working-class backgrounds who felt politically unrepresented. TTIP aims to inspire engagement in the political process by fielding candidates who truly represent their communities and are committed to fulfilling their campaign promises.

The party's approach is grounded in practical, detailed policies emphasizing honesty, transparency, and accountability.

Economic and Social Policy:

Empowerment through Business and Community. TTIP advocates for the positive role of business in society, emphasizing entrepreneurship, employment, and empowerment.

The party supports responsible business practices, including fair taxation, employment rights, and environmental accountability. TTIP envisions a future where proactive citizens are rewarded with high-quality education, healthcare, and a thriving economy.

Immigration and Foreign Aid:

Balancing National and Global Responsibilities. TTIP proposes strict regulations on migrant access to public funds, advocating for the deportation of those who migrate solely for resource access.

Additionally, the party supports a temporary halt on foreign aid to reassess the effectiveness and justification of aid, ensuring it aligns with the interests of British citizens, especially considering domestic austerity impacts.

Transportation and Environmental Initiatives:

Fairness and Sustainability. The party plans to end discriminatory parking fees and adjust congestion charges to make them fairer, particularly for lower-income drivers.

TTIP supports electric vehicles and free bus travel for school-aged children. The party also plans to reassess cycling infrastructure and safety, emphasizing public consultation to ensure necessary and proportional changes.

Women and Equality:

Comprehensive Support and Representation. TTIP is committed to equality, aiming for 50% female representation in all governing bodies.

The party plans to increase funding for domestic violence support and address the broader issues of poverty and discrimination. This includes revising the relocation practices of local councils and reducing the cost for employment tribunal claims to make justice more accessible.

Disability and Social Disadvantage:

Advocating for Rights and Support. TTIP intends to defend and support the rights of people with disabilities by overhauling the Access to Work Scheme and creating more inclusive educational and housing opportunities.

The party also aims to address social disadvantages by enhancing legislation against hate crimes and abolishing the TV license to alleviate financial burdens on disadvantaged groups.

Community Engagement and Feedback:

Active Participation in Democracy. TTIP encourages community involvement through membership, donations, and active participation in canvassing and administration.

The party is committed to being responsive to community feedback, adapting its policies to meet emerging needs and priorities.

TTIP's Vision for a Better Britain:

TTIP seeks to transform British politics by addressing current priorities and being adaptable to future challenges. The party emphasizes community support and empowerment, aiming to create a fairer, more prosperous society for all citizens, regardless of their background.

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