Who is Ehsan Joarder? - Florida 14 - Republican

Ehsan Joarder

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Ehsan Joarder - Florida 14

2024 United States Congress election - Member Of Congress Candidate -November, 5, 2024

Who is Ehsan Joarder?

Ehsan Joarder is a patriot, father, and entrepreneur running for Florida’s 14th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

He pledges principled leadership, prioritizing fiscal responsibility and American values.

Preserve the American Dream:

Ehsan Joarder is a passionate advocate for positive change and a proud Floridian. He aims to represent Florida’s 14th Congressional District with a focus on preserving the American Dream for future generations.


Ehsan was raised in Florida after his parents immigrated from Bangladesh. Growing up, he developed a love for boxing through the Boca Police Athletic League (PAL) program.

His dedication and hard work led him to become a state champion, instilling values of discipline and perseverance that continue to guide him.

Community Involvement:

Inspired by the Boca PAL program, Ehsan later volunteered as a sponsor, giving back to the community that significantly shaped his character. Witnessing the positive impact of sports and mentorship on young lives fueled his commitment to creating opportunities for the next generation.

Professional Journey:

As a young entrepreneur, Ehsan has navigated the business world with the same determination he brought to the boxing ring. His experiences have reinforced his belief in the power of innovative solutions and community-driven initiatives to address societal challenges.

Why Ehsan is Running:

Ehsan is running for Congress because he is frustrated with century-old politicians making decisions that compromise the future. He believes in putting America first, advocating for a balanced budget, supporting term limits, and preserving the American Dream for generations to come.


Ehsan's values are rooted in family, community, and a deep love for the nation. He brings a unique perspective as someone who has experienced the American Dream firsthand and is committed to ensuring it remains attainable for all.

Vision for Florida’s 14th District:

Ehsan’s vision includes community-driven solutions, innovative projects that create jobs, and opportunities that uplift all residents. He aims to invest in education and renewable energy, champion responsible budgeting, and represent the diverse needs of the district.

Boxing, Sponsorship, and Beyond:

Boxing taught Ehsan the importance of resilience, and his experience as a state champion led to a lifelong commitment to giving back. Sponsoring the Boca PAL program allowed him to contribute to the development of young athletes, fostering a sense of discipline and camaraderie.

Characteristics or Principles:

Integrity and Morality: Upholding the highest standards of integrity and morality is non-negotiable. Ehsan believes elected officials should be beacons of integrity, setting an example for the community they serve.

Patriotism and Civic Duty:

A deep sense of patriotism and a strong commitment to civic duty are essential for effective representation. Ehsan prioritizes the interests and well-being of his constituents above personal or political gain.

Accessible and Responsive Leadership:

Ehsan believes in being approachable, responsive, and available to his constituents through open communication, town hall meetings, and community engagement.

Commitment to Collaboration:

The ability to collaborate across party lines and work towards bipartisan solutions is crucial. Ehsan prioritizes the common good over partisan divides, seeking common ground to address challenges.

Informed Decision-Making:

Ehsan is committed to making informed decisions based on a thorough understanding of policy matters and expert advice.

Adaptability and Innovation:

Ehsan embraces innovative solutions and adaptability in governance. He is forward-thinking, responsive to change, and willing to explore new approaches for the benefit of his constituents.

What are Ehsan Joarder's Republican Party Values?

Ehsan Joarder is a member of the Republican Party.

The Republican Party has long championed fiscal conservatism, advocating for minimal government intervention in the economy. They believe economic prosperity is driven by free markets and individual initiative.

This philosophy includes support for laissez-faire economics, tax cuts, reduced government spending, privatization, and reducing government-run welfare programs in favor of private-sector solutions and personal responsibility. The party's current fiscal stance supports lower taxes, deregulation of corporations, and opposition to labor unions.

Historical Business Relations:

Historically, the Republican Party had strong ties to local businesses and large national corporations. However, in the 21st century, this dynamic has shifted, with corporate America increasingly aligning with more liberal values.

The GOP now focuses more on small businesses and family firms, viewing larger corporations, particularly in tech sectors, as cultural adversaries.

Tax Policy:

Modern Republicans often endorse supply-side economics, a theory popularized during Ronald Reagan's presidency. They argue that reduced income tax rates can spur GDP growth, ultimately generating the same or more government revenue from increased economic activity.

Republicans typically advocate for tax cuts, oppose graduated tax rates, and favor private over government spending. They generally oppose the estate tax and have a historical precedent of supporting tariffs to protect American industries.

Welfare Reform:

The Republican Party opposes government-run welfare programs, arguing they promote dependency on government assistance. Instead, they advocate for personal responsibility and self-reliance, supporting measures like the welfare reform of 1996, which limited welfare eligibility.

Social Issues:

Traditional Values and Social Conservatism: Social conservatism within the Republican Party is deeply rooted in traditional values, often with a Christian foundation. The party supports gun rights as outlined in the Second Amendment, the death penalty, and restrictions on abortion.

They also oppose same-sex marriage, transgender rights, and comprehensive sex education, favoring policies that uphold traditional family structures.

Education Policies:

Republicans generally support school choice through charter schools and vouchers for private education. They criticize the performance of public schools and teachers' unions and advocate for greater accountability within the public school system, as seen with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

Healthcare Views:

The party opposes a government-run single-payer healthcare system, advocating instead for a personal or employer-based insurance system, supplemented by Medicare and Medicaid. They support measures to increase health insurance portability, coverage for pre-existing conditions, and tax benefits to make insurance more affordable.

Labor Unions:

Since the 1920s, Republicans have generally opposed labor unions, supporting right-to-work laws that weaken union influence. They argue that unions can hurt businesses by driving up costs and reducing competitiveness.

Foreign Policy:

Strong National Defense: The Republican Party typically favors increased military spending and a robust national defense. They often support unilateral action in foreign policy and have historically backed military interventions, such as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as part of the broader War on Terror.

Israel Alliance and Support:

The Republican Party has consistently supported a strong alliance with Israel, emphasizing the importance of this relationship in promoting peace and stability in the Middle East. This support extends to military aid, diplomatic backing, and efforts to secure Israel's security against regional threats.

The party views Israel as a key ally and partner in the fight against terrorism and in advancing democratic values in the region.

Trade Policies:

The party's stance on international trade has varied over time. Initially supporting protective tariffs, Republicans later embraced free trade agreements.

However, recent years have seen a return to protectionist policies, notably under President Donald Trump, who initiated a trade war with China and renegotiated NAFTA.

Environmental and Energy Policies:

Environmental Protection: Historically, some Republican leaders have supported environmental protection efforts. However, the party is now divided on issues like climate change, with many Republicans skeptical of human-caused global warming.

The party generally supports market-based solutions to environmental problems and opposes cap-and-trade policies.

Energy Independence:

Republicans advocate for increased federal investment in alternative energy sources and support measures to achieve energy independence. This includes promoting oil drilling in protected areas, which has drawn criticism from environmentalists.

Additional Issues:

Immigration: The Republican Party is divided on immigration, with some advocating for migrant worker programs and easing citizenship guidelines, while others emphasize stricter border enforcement. The party's approach has shifted in response to changing political dynamics and voter demographics.

LGBTQ+ Rights:

The Republican platform opposes same-sex marriage and other LGBTQ+ issues, although there are dissenting factions within the party. Some Republicans support anti-discrimination laws, but the party remains divided on how to approach LGBTQ+ rights.

Judicial Philosophy:

Republicans often support strict constructionism or textualism in judicial interpretation, criticizing judicial activism and advocating for judicial restraint. They support legislative measures to limit federal court jurisdiction in certain areas, reflecting their preference for state over federal authority.


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