Who is Georgina Burford-Connole? - Battersea - Rejoin Eu - LykElect.com
Georgina Burford-Connole

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Georgina Burford-Connole - Battersea

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Electorate of Battersea - Rejoin EU - United Kingdom

Who is Georgina Burford-Connole?

Georgina Burford-Connole is a Rejoin Eu candidate for Battersea seat in the 2024 United Kingdom General Election.

Georgina Burford-Connole is competing against 7 other candidates for the Government Of The United Kingdom seat of Battersea.

What are Georgina Burford-Connole's Political Values?

Georgina Burford-Connole is a member of the Rejoin Eu Party.

The Rejoin EU Party posits that the UK's interests are best served by being part of the European Union, viewing Brexit as a harmful misstep influenced by misinformation and xenophobic undertones. They aim to mitigate its adverse effects by advocating for the UK's reintegration into the EU, ensuring economic, social, and political benefits are regained.

Economic Opportunities:

The party asserts that rejoining the EU will reopen doors to the single largest trading bloc, ensuring seamless trade and economic interaction. This would include removing tariffs, simplifying customs procedures, and reinstating full access to the EU services market, which is crucial for industries like finance and professional services.

Restoration of Freedoms:

A major focus is the restoration of the right to live, work, and travel freely across EU countries. This freedom supports personal and professional development for UK citizens by facilitating easier access to jobs, education, and cultural exchanges across Europe.

Enhanced Security Cooperation:

Rejoin EU highlights that closer ties with EU nations through shared intelligence, joint law enforcement operations, and coordinated defense strategies would significantly enhance the UK’s security landscape, countering threats more effectively through collective action.

Addressing Brexit Consequences:

The party plans to tackle the socioeconomic disruptions caused by Brexit, such as increased living costs, supply chain issues, and reduced international influence. They seek to restore economic stability by reintegrating with the EU economic framework, potentially including considerations for adopting the euro as part of long-term economic stabilization.

Electoral Influence and Reforms:

Recognizing the limitations of the 'first-past-the-post' electoral system, Rejoin EU aims to influence mainstream political discourse and push for electoral reforms towards proportional representation, which they believe would result in a more democratic and fair political environment.

Constitutional Changes:

Proposed changes include reforming the House of Lords to a primarily elected body to reduce political appointments and increasing accountability. They also advocate for legal measures against misleading political practices, enhancing transparency and trust in governance.

Trade and Economic Integration:

Rejoining the EU's customs union is seen as a priority to eliminate trade barriers that have arisen post-Brexit. This reintegration would facilitate smoother trade relations, benefitting businesses that suffer from current border checks and tariffs.

Foreign Policy and Defense:

The party seeks to reinstate the UK's role in shaping EU foreign policy and defense strategies, supporting the development of an integrated European defense capability that complements NATO efforts, thereby ensuring regional stability and collective security.

Migration and Labour Mobility:

Addressing labor shortages through restored freedom of movement is a critical goal. The party opposes restrictive immigration policies that limit the UK's ability to attract skilled labor, emphasizing a more open and reciprocal approach to labor mobility within the EU.

Environmental and Climate Policies:

Advocating for collaborative efforts to address environmental challenges, Rejoin EU emphasizes the importance of aligning with EU environmental standards and participating in joint initiatives aimed at combating climate change and promoting sustainability.

Educational and Health Cooperation:

The party supports re-engagement with EU educational programs like Erasmus+, which offer vast opportunities for students. They also advocate for collaboration in health initiatives to alleviate workforce shortages and enhance public health services.

Overall, the Rejoin EU Party’s agenda is centered on reversing the perceived negative impacts of Brexit by advocating for a comprehensive reintegration into the EU, believing that this will restore economic prosperity, enhance social freedoms, and ensure a more secure and influential standing for the UK on the European and world stages.

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