Who is Gerben Uunk? - Limerick - Party For Animal Welfare - LykElect.com
Gerben Uunk

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Gerben Uunk - Limerick

2024 Limerick Mayoral Election - Mayor Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Who is Gerben Uunk?

Gerben Uunk, also known as Gerardus Johannus Franciscus Uunk, is a dedicated advocate for animal welfare, the environment, and non-violence. Residing in Ashford, Limerick, Ireland, and originally from Enschede, Netherlands, Gerben is deeply involved in environmental and social causes.

Educational and Professional Background:

Uunk has a diverse educational background, with studies in Horticulture at An tIonad Glas - The Organic College, Nursing at Hogeschool van Amsterdam, and Environmental Management at IT Sligo. His professional journey includes roles in information technology, nursing, and various positions within environmental and political organizations.

Political Involvement and Candidacy:

Gerben Uunk is a member of the Party for Animal Welfare (PAW), for which he serves as the Memberships Secretary and Public Relations Officer. He co-founded this party to champion the rights of animals and the environment.

He has previously been a candidate for the European Parliament with De Groenen in the Netherlands and served as a councillor in Amsterdam.

In the upcoming 2024 local elections scheduled for June 7th, Uunk is running for two positions in Limerick:

Directly Elected Mayor (DEM) and local councillor for the Newcastle West - LEA. His campaign focuses on representing both Limerick County and City, aiming to be a voice for underrepresented areas and issues.

Advocacy for Animal Welfare and Environment:

Uunk's platform is heavily centered on animal rights and environmental sustainability. He advocates for the cessation of blood sports, believing that facilities like racecourses and greyhound stadiums should be repurposed for more critical needs such as housing.

His stance extends to opposing fox hunting, hare coursing, and sulky racing. Additionally, Uunk promotes a plant-based lifestyle, emphasizing the health and environmental benefits that have gained traction post-pandemic.

Community and Environmental Contributions:

Beyond politics, Uunk contributes to his community through involvement in various boards and initiatives. His work includes promoting urban agriculture and supporting initiatives that aim to improve public health and urban living conditions.

Gerben Uunk's career reflects a consistent commitment to public service, environmental stewardship, and the well-being of both people and animals. His dual candidacy underscores his dedication to making significant changes in Limerick, advocating for policies that support sustainable development and animal welfare.

What are Gerben Uunk's Political Values?

Gerben Uunk is a member of the Party For Animal Welfare.

The Party for Animal Welfare (PAW) is a minor political party in Ireland, primarily focused on advancing animal welfare issues. It was established in December 2018 and is currently led by acting leader Darren Furlong.

PAW has been actively involved in advocating for animal rights and has proposed various legislative changes to promote animal welfare within Ireland. The party's activities are detailed on their website, ipaw.ie.

Advocacy and Protests:

PAW champions the cause of banning blood sports, puppy farms, factory farming, and greyhound racing among other practices deemed cruel to animals. They propose integrating animal welfare into the Irish primary school curriculum to educate children early on about the importance of animal rights.

The party has been involved in several protests, notably opposing a proposed seal cull in Dingle, County Kerry in February 2020, aimed at preserving fish stocks. They have also collaborated with Compassion in World Farming Ireland to protest against the export of live animals.

Electoral Participation:

In the 2020 Irish general election, before officially registering as a party, PAW's deputy leader Ted Cronin ran independently on an animal welfare platform. Despite receiving a minimal share of votes, the participation marked PAW's initial foray into national politics, highlighting their dedication to their cause.

A Better Deal For Animals:

PAW advocates for legal recognition of animal sentience and the Five Freedoms. They propose establishing a dedicated Department of Animal Welfare, shifting animal welfare responsibilities from local to national governance, and enforcing stricter penalties for animal abuse.

The introduction of 'Animal Welfare Inspectors' and a comprehensive national policy for animal shelters are among the suggested reforms.

Animal Companions:

The party aims to strengthen regulations concerning companion animals by eliminating breed-specific legislation, prohibiting the chaining of dogs in extreme temperatures, and establishing a unified microchipping database. They also suggest educational initiatives and incentives to promote responsible pet ownership.

Animals as Products:

PAW supports a complete ban on activities such as fox hunting, greyhound racing, and the sale of animals online. They also advocate for improved welfare standards in horse racing and stringent regulations against the live export of animals.

Animals and The Environment:

The party's environmental policies include stopping the culling of protected wildlife and promoting a transition to a plant-based diet to mitigate climate change. They support redirecting subsidies from livestock and fishery industries to sustainable, plant-based agriculture.


PAW's mission is to end the suffering, abuse, and exploitation of non-human animals through education, advocacy, and political action. They emphasize ethical integrity and intellectual courage in their campaigns and maintain a commitment to non-oppressive values, including fighting against racism, sexism, and xenophobia within and outside their organization.

Community and Historical Background:

Founded by individuals passionate about animal rights, PAW has grown significantly since its inception in 2019. They are part of the global Animal Politics Foundation, which connects animal rights parties worldwide to share knowledge and strategies, aiming to integrate animal rights into the democratic process globally.

PAW's historical commitment to these causes is reflected in their ongoing efforts and campaigns across Ireland. The Party for Animal Welfare is an active political entity in Ireland, dedicated to profound and sustainable animal rights advocacy, both nationally and as part of a global network.

Their comprehensive approach to animal welfare reflects a deep commitment to ethical treatment and justice for all living beings.

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