Who is Gina Parker? - Texas - Texas Republican - LykElect.com
Gina Parker

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Gina Parker - Texas

2024 Texas Supreme Court election - Texas Court Of Criminal Appeals Place 7 Candidate - May, 28, 2024

Electorate of Texas - Texas Republican - United States

Who is Gina Parker?

Gina Parker brings over 30 years of legal experience to her candidacy for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Her background includes serving as a City Attorney, Assistant County Attorney, and Assistant District Attorney.

Parker is recognized for her efforts in clearing juvenile case backlogs and has served in a quasi-judicial capacity as the Commissioner and Chair of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, ruling on administrative appeals. Additionally, Parker has a long history as a lecturer on Constitutional Law.

Commitment to Conservative Leadership:

Parker has demonstrated her commitment to conservative values through her active participation in the Republican Party of Texas, serving in roles such as Treasurer, Associate Counsel, and Ballot Security Member. She has been President of Central Texas Republican Women and Counsel for the Texas Republican Hispanic Assembly.

Her conservative leadership is also highlighted by her work with the National Eagle Forum as the Judicial Reform Chairman and her recognition with the Outstanding National Eagle Forum Award.

Personal Background and Vision:

Raised in Waco, Texas, Parker's engagement with the Republican Party started young, influenced by her mother's active involvement. She and her husband, Dr.

Kevin Kallal, are both engaged in their professional and political communities. Parker's legal career is complemented by her entrepreneurial spirit, having founded Dental Creations, Ltd., a successful dental manufacturing company.

Running for Judge:

Motivated by a deep commitment to the Constitution, the rule of law, and community safety, Parker is running for Judge of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Her campaign is driven by a desire to ensure justice for victims, maintain public safety, and uphold conservative principles.

Parker pledges to interpret and apply the law as written, keeping Texas communities safe and preserving the integrity of the judicial system. Gina Parker's candidacy represents a fusion of extensive legal expertise, conservative leadership, and a deep-rooted commitment to upholding the Constitution.

With a comprehensive legal background and a proven track record of public service and business acumen, Parker aims to serve Texas with integrity and dedication to the principles of justice and conservatism.

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