Who is Graeme Craib? - Aberdeen South - Scottish Family Party - LykElect.com
Graeme Craib

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Graeme Craib - Aberdeen South

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Electorate of Aberdeen South - Scottish Family Party - United Kingdom

Who is Graeme Craib?

Graeme Craib is a Scottish Family Party candidate for Aberdeen South seat in the 2024 United Kingdom General Election.

Graeme Craib is competing against 6 other candidates for the Government Of The United Kingdom seat of Aberdeen South.

What are Graeme Craib's Political Values?

Graeme Craib is a member of the Scottish Family Party.

The Scottish Family Party places a strong emphasis on traditional family values, positioning the family as the fundamental unit of society. They advocate for government policies that support families in nurturing children, which they believe will address broader societal issues such as crime and mental health crises.

Education and Curriculum:

They propose a significant overhaul of the Scottish education system, advocating for the reinstatement of academic rigor and discipline. They criticize the current educational frameworks for being overly progressive and lacking in traditional academic values.

The party seeks to eliminate what they perceive as ideological bias in schools, especially concerning gender and sexual education, which they argue is inappropriate and corrupting.

Parental Rights and Family Autonomy:

The Scottish Family Party champions strong parental rights and opposes state overreach into family life. They argue against policies like the Named Person Scheme, viewing them as intrusions into the private family sphere.

The party promotes the idea that parents should have primary authority over their children's upbringing, including decisions related to education and health.

Free Speech and Legal Reforms:

A significant aspect of their platform is the protection of free speech, opposing hate speech legislation which they believe stifles open debate. They advocate for legal reforms that would minimize state interference in personal opinions and expressions.

The party also supports judicial reforms, emphasizing traditional values in the administration of justice.

Marriage and Pro-Life Stance:

The Scottish Family Party holds a strong stance on issues like marriage and abortion. They promote marriage as a stabilizing factor for society and oppose abortion, advocating for policies that they believe affirm the sanctity of life.

Their platform includes opposition to assisted suicide and any policies that they perceive as undermining traditional family structures.

Opposition to Gender Ideology:

The party is explicitly against the promotion of transgender ideology, particularly in schools. They argue that such policies confuse children and violate parental rights to direct their children's upbringing.

This stance extends to their opposition to legal gender changes and the broader inclusion of transgender rights in public policy.

Economic and Social Policies:

Economically, the party supports initiatives that they believe will strengthen families financially, advocating for tax benefits for families and opposing policies that promote dual-income households as the standard. They emphasize the importance of a sustainable population growth through pro-family policies rather than relying on immigration.

Cultural Values and National Identity:

The Scottish Family Party places a high value on maintaining Scottish cultural heritage and national identity. They advocate for policies that reinforce traditional Scottish values and oppose the influences of what they see as foreign ideologies, particularly in the realms of education, culture, and public life.

Overall, the Scottish Family Party seeks to promote a return to traditional values in both social and political spheres, advocating for policies that support families, enhance educational standards, and protect free speech and parental rights against what they perceive as progressive overreach. Their platform reflects a conservative outlook, aiming to reinforce the structure and values of family as the cornerstone of society.

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