Who is Hildegard Bentele? - Germany - European People's Party - LykElect.com
Hildegard Bentele

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Hildegard Bentele - Germany

2024 European Parliament Election - Member Of The European Parliament Candidate - July, 6, 2024

Electorate of Germany - European People's Party - European Union

Who is Hildegard Bentele?

Hildegard Bentele is a German politician from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), currently serving as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) representing Germany since July 2, 2019. She has previously held a position in the Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin from September 18, 2011, to July 1, 2019.

Early Life and Education:

Born on May 9, 1967, in Ludwigsburg, West Germany, Bentele completed her early education at the Margarete-Steiff-Gymnasium in Giengen in 1995. She pursued higher education in political science, history, and public law at the University of Heidelberg until 1997, followed by studies at Sciences Po in Paris, and the Otto Suhr Institute of the Free University of Berlin until 1999.

During her university years, Bentele interned at the Permanent Representation of Germany to the European Union and the European Parliament.

Career in the Diplomatic Service:

Bentele joined the Federal Foreign Office in 2002, where she worked in various capacities, including as an economic affairs advisor and relations advisor to the United States. Her diplomatic service included postings at the German embassies in Zagreb and Tehran from 2005 to 2008.

Between 2010 and 2013, she served as a foreign policy advisor to Hans-Peter Friedrich and Gerda Hasselfeldt, deputy chairs of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Parliament.

State Parliament of Berlin:

Bentele's political career advanced with her election to the State Parliament of Berlin in 2011, where she was active until 2019. During her tenure, she was the spokeswoman on European affairs and later the deputy chairwoman under the leadership of Florian Graf.

European Parliament:

Since the 2019 European elections, Bentele has been active in the European Parliament. She serves on the Committee on Development and the Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy.

Bentele is also a member of the Parliament's delegation to the Conference on the Future of Europe and for relations with Canada. She is part of the URBAN Intergroup and represented the European Parliament at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in 2021.

In 2023, she participated in the coalition government negotiations between the CDU and the Social Democratic Party (SPD) under the leadership of Kai Wegner, contributing to the working group on European affairs.

Personal Life:

Hildegard Bentele is married to Croatian diplomat Ivan Bojanić, and the couple has two children. This aspect of her life highlights her personal connections to broader European cultural and diplomatic circles.

Overall, Bentele's career reflects a deep commitment to both German and European political, economic, and environmental issues, showcasing her as a dedicated public servant with a significant role in shaping policy at various governmental levels.

What are Hildegard Bentele's Political Values?

Hildegard Bentele is a member of the European People'S Party.

The European People's Party (EPP) is a significant political party at the European level that represents the center-right political spectrum. It is the largest party group in the European Parliament and includes Christian democrats, conservatives, and like-minded centrist parties from across the member states of the European Union.

Security and Defense:

The manifesto emphasizes unwavering support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, advocating for immediate aid and facilitating Ukraine's potential membership in the EU and NATO.

European Defense Strategy:

The EPP commits to enhancing Europe's defense capabilities, promoting cooperation within NATO, and striving towards strategic autonomy to ensure Europe can independently defend its interests.

Economic Growth and Innovation:

The EPP aims to drive economic growth by fostering a competitive business environment, reducing bureaucratic hurdles, and promoting innovation, particularly in digital technologies and essential industries.

Trade and Industry:

There is a strong focus on securing Europe’s economic interests globally through fair trade practices while achieving strategic autonomy in critical sectors like technology and pharmaceuticals.

Family and Social:

Policies to support families, improve job security, and ensure equitable social policies are highlighted, aiming to create an inclusive society with opportunities for all.

Integration and Rights:

The manifesto stresses the importance of integrating immigrants effectively into European society and vigorously protecting fundamental rights and freedoms, including digital privacy.

Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action:

The EPP seeks to lead in environmental protection and climate action by advocating for substantial investments in sustainable technologies and practices.

Energy Efficiency:

The manifesto calls for enhancing energy efficiency across Europe to reduce dependence on external energy sources and move towards a greener economy.

Democratic Values and Rule of Law:

Upholding the rule of law, transparency, and fighting corruption are central themes, with the EPP advocating for stringent measures to ensure accountability in all European institutions.


Strengthening the mechanisms of democracy within Europe to ensure that European institutions operate transparently and reflect the will of the people.

Cultural Identity:

Emphasis is placed on protecting and promoting Europe’s rich cultural heritage and identity through educational initiatives and support for the arts.

Educational Excellence:

The manifesto advocates for high educational standards and opportunities for youth, aiming to equip future generations with the skills needed for tomorrow’s challenges.

Global Challenges:

Addressing the complex issue of migration with dignity and solidarity, ensuring that Europe can manage migration flows humanely while securing its borders.

Global Cooperation:

The EPP commits to strengthening Europe's role on the global stage, promoting values of democracy and human rights, and engaging in constructive international relations. Ideological Foundation and Core Values The EPP is rooted in Christian democratic, conservative, and liberal-conservative values.

It emphasizes the principles of individual freedom, personal and social responsibility, and the importance of European integration. The party champions the idea of a strong, united Europe that upholds the rule of law, respects human dignity, promotes economic prosperity, and ensures security for its citizens.

Political Influence and Role:

As a major force in European politics, the EPP has a significant influence on EU policy-making and legislation. The party's members hold key positions in various EU institutions, including the European Commission and the European Council, which enables it to shape policies across a wide range of areas, from economic and environmental policy to social affairs and foreign relations.

Membership and Reach:

The EPP comprises member parties from almost all EU countries and several observer parties from non-EU countries in Europe. This broad membership allows the EPP to represent a wide array of views within the center-right political spectrum, making it a pivotal player in addressing pan-European issues.

Objectives and Goals:

The EPP seeks to promote a stronger and more competitive European Union that is capable of facing global challenges while ensuring the prosperity and security of its citizens. It supports deeper economic and political integration among EU countries and advocates for policies that strengthen the EU’s global standing.

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