Who is Jason Hamling? - Orange - Team Hamling - LykElect.com
Jason Hamling

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Jason Hamling - Orange

2024 New South Wales Mayoral Elections - Mayor Candidate - September, 14, 2024

Electorate of Orange - Team Hamling - Australia

Who is Jason Hamling?

Jason Hamling was declared as the incoming Mayor of Orange on December 21, 2021. A lifelong resident of Orange and first elected to the Orange City Council in 2004, Hamling has expressed a strong commitment to teamwork, community focus, and providing the necessary resources for council staff to effectively serve the community.

Honored and Excited:

Hamling acknowledges the significant responsibility of his new role, stating, "I feel incredibly honoured but also nervous. I do not underestimate what a big deal this is and I take the responsibility of the role very seriously.

The Orange community is my home and to have a role in how it develops into the future is very exciting." Teamwork and Community First: Emphasizing the importance of collaboration, Hamling said, “If we as a team of councillors and staff are working as one to put the community first, we will get most things right. There will be times when we don’t agree but if we do it respectfully and with the community front of mind, Orange will be a better and more prosperous community for it.” Commitment to Improvement: Hamling believes public office is about leaving the community in a better state than when he started.

He acknowledged that there would be challenges and missteps but expressed a firm commitment to continual improvement.

Focus on Families and Young People:

Support for families and young people will be a significant part of Hamling’s term. Additionally, he highlighted the potential of the health precinct in south Orange to deliver better outcomes and services for mental health and emphasized the need to complete projects like the sports precinct and the Mountain Bike Park on Mount Canobolas.

Core Business Priorities:

Hamling stressed the importance of focusing on core municipal responsibilities, such as roads, waste, and water, ensuring that staff have the resources needed to meet community needs and aspirations.

Acknowledging Predecessors:

Hamling expressed gratitude to previous mayors and councillors, stating that their contributions have been integral to the city's growth. He emphasized the importance of respecting the democratic process and the role of candidates who stood for election.

Committee Membership:

Hamling's committee memberships include the Audit and Risk Management Advisory Committee, NAIDOC Week Community Committee (Chair), Companion Animals Community Committee, Orange & Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee, and Sister Cities Community Committee. He also represents Orange City Council in various external organizations, including JOC (formerly CENTROC), the Association of Mining Related Councils, TDO Ltd, Civic Risk Mutual, and Ronald McDonald House.

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