Who is Jimmy Blacklock? - Texas - Texas Republican - LykElect.com
Jimmy Blacklock

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Jimmy Blacklock - Texas

2024 Texas Supreme Court election - Texas Supreme Court Place 2 Candidate - May, 28, 2024

Electorate of Texas - Texas Republican - United States

Who is Jimmy Blacklock?

Jimmy Blacklock, a sixth-generation Texan from Houston, serves on the Texas Supreme Court, appointed by Governor Greg Abbott. His educational journey led him from the University of Texas at Austin to Yale Law School, where he was a member of the Federalist Society.

Blacklock's career includes clerking for Judge Jerry Smith on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, a tenure in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S.

Justice Department appointed by President George W. Bush, and substantial experience in private law practice.

Dedication to Public Service:

Before his Supreme Court appointment, Blacklock honed his appellate skills under then-Attorney General Greg Abbott, tackling significant state litigation across a spectrum of constitutional issues. His conservative judicial philosophy emphasizes adherence to the Constitution's text, advocating for a judiciary that respects its constitutional limits without yielding to personal or public opinion shifts.

Roles and Recognitions:

As a Deputy Attorney General, Blacklock led the Open Records Division, fostering open and accountable government through the drafting of Attorney General Opinions on critical Texas law questions. His work earned him Governor Abbott's trust, culminating in his appointment as the Governor's chief legal counsel and, subsequently, as a Justice on the Texas Supreme Court, reflecting a commitment to serving Texas with integrity and fidelity to conservative principles.

Family Life:

Jimmy Blacklock resides in Austin with his wife and three daughters, where they are active members of Tarrytown Christian Church. His life is deeply rooted in faith, family, and a commitment to public service.

Judicial Philosophy:

Blacklock's judicial philosophy is firmly anchored in the text of the Texas Constitution, emphasizing popular sovereignty and the courts' duty to apply the People's laws faithfully. He champions the principles that courts belong to the People, not to the judges or lawyers, and stresses the importance of upholding the unalienable rights enshrined in founding documents, including freedoms of religion, speech, and the right to bear arms.

Guided by constitutional text and respect for the legislative process, Justice Blacklock commits to applying the law accurately, defending constitutional rights, and maintaining the judiciary's limited role as outlined in the Texas Constitution. His service on the Texas Supreme Court is marked by a dedication to putting the People of Texas and the Constitution at the forefront of his judicial duties.

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