Who is John Forster? - Clark - Independent

John Forster

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John Forster - Clark

2024 Tasmania State Election - State Mp Candidate -March, 23, 2024

Clark Independent - Australia

Who is John Forster?

John Forster is positioning himself as a 40-something independent agent for change in the political landscape, driven by a strong desire to shift away from traditional career politicians and the status quo perpetuated by major parties. With 20 years of diverse business experience and a readiness to tackle difficult questions head-on, John is prepared to leave a successful business career to make a tangible difference in governance.

Motivated by frustration with the current political climate, including the replication of party-driven candidates and the failure of major parties to reduce governmental expenses as promised, John aims to bring substantial debates and effective project management skills to the forefront of his political engagement.

His campaign is centered around several key initiatives:

conducting a comprehensive review of government spending and taxation, transforming the Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) into a prototype for e-health, supporting entrepreneurs by reducing bureaucratic hurdles, ceasing old-growth logging in alignment with the IGA process, and simplifying government legislation to make it more standardized and accessible.


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