Who is John Spina? - Milton - New Blue Party Of Ontario - LykElect.com
John Spina

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John Spina - Milton

2024 Milton provincial By-Election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - May, 2, 2024

Who is John Spina?

John Spina is a first-generation Italian-Canadian with deep roots in Toronto. He graduated from Lakehead University with a Bachelor of Administration and also holds a Red Seal Certificate of Qualification as a Powerline Technician.

John has amassed over 30 years of experience in the electrical utility industry, progressing from a Powerline Technician to a Director in Operations. His career highlights include a strong focus on customer service, integrity, and solid management skills.

Personal Values and Community Involvement:

John's life is profoundly influenced by his family values, faith, and a strong commitment to his community. He has been actively involved in volunteer work with the Mama Bears Project, which aims to build a support network for residents of Halton and neighboring communities, focusing on children's health and wellbeing.

Political Philosophy and Campaign Focus:

John is driven by a vision of fiscal responsibility and transparency in government. He is critical of the current government's handling of fiscal policies, accountability, and the influence of unelected bureaucrats and special interest groups on government policies.

His campaign emphasizes the need for policies developed through fair and transparent methods that consider the triple bottom line—social, environmental, and financial factors—and engage with constituents and stakeholders.

Advocacy and Vision for Change:

John advocates for a new approach to politics in Ontario, emphasizing accountability and constituent-focused governance. He is committed to restoring integrity and lawful conduct in political representation, ensuring that elected officials remain transparent and responsive to the people they serve.

John Spina positions himself as a champion for the people of Milton, eager to bring about significant change and address the challenges faced by his community and the broader Ontario region.

What are John Spina's Political Values?

John Spina is a member of the New Blue Party Of Ontario.

The New Blue Party of Ontario, established as a more conservative alternative within the province's political landscape, articulates a range of policies that address social, economic, and environmental issues. These policies are grounded in a framework of social conservatism and right-wing populism.

Pro-Life Stance:

The New Blue Party adopts a strong pro-life position, advocating against abortion and any policies that facilitate it. This stance is consistent with their broader social conservative philosophy, which places a high value on traditional family structures and the sanctity of life.

Gender Transitions for Minors:

The party proposes to ban gender transition procedures for minors, citing concerns about the permanence of such decisions and the maturity required to make them. They frame this policy as a protective measure to shield children from what they perceive as premature engagement with significant medical interventions.

Education Reform:

The New Blue Party seeks to reform the educational content by eliminating what it describes as 'woke' activism, which includes the removal of critical race theory and gender identity theory from the curriculum. They argue that education should be free from political biases and should focus more on traditional academic and career-focused skills.

Media and Free Speech:

Promoting a free press and safeguarding free speech are significant for the New Blue Party. They propose defunding mainstream media entities that they believe are biased, to encourage a more diverse and independent media landscape.

This is aligned with their advocacy for unimpeded free speech, viewing it as essential to a healthy democracy.

Tax Reductions:

The party plans to reduce the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) from 13% to 10% and to eliminate the carbon tax. They argue that such tax reductions will alleviate financial pressures on Ontario residents and stimulate economic activity by increasing disposable income and consumer spending.

Lobbying and Voter Fraud:

Addressing internal party democracy, the New Blue Party aims to ban lobbyists from party politics and strengthen measures to combat voter fraud during party elections. These initiatives are intended to purify the party's internal electoral processes, ensuring they reflect the genuine will of the party members.

Wind Turbines:

The party's environmental policy includes dismantling operational wind turbines, which they claim will help reduce hydro prices. They challenge the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of wind energy, proposing instead to focus on other forms of energy provision that they consider more reliable and less financially burdensome.

Opposition to Carbon Tax:

Consistent with their tax reduction policy, the New Blue Party opposes the federal carbon tax imposed on Ontario, arguing that it places an undue burden on consumers and businesses without delivering proportional environmental benefits. The New Blue Party of Ontario positions itself as a guardian of traditional conservative values, advocating for policies that they believe will restore personal freedoms, reduce governmental overreach, and promote economic growth.

Their policy platform reflects a desire to shift Ontario's political discourse towards more conservative social, economic, and environmental policies, appealing to voters who feel that mainstream parties do not adequately represent their views or address their concerns.

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